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Natalia POV

Some time has passed now since that happened and everything has gone semi back to normal and what I mean by semi is that Chloe and Andrea have been giving us some lovely stare downs.

But that's normal behavior at least for them, Anna on the other hand has now been more werry with Brooke. I guess she's taking Chloe's advice but then again I can't blame her.

But to me she's been acting normal, happy, cheery, joking, and so on and so on so I really don't see why people are so worried about her and me. I mean we are just friends.

Now we are in breakfast, but instead of our normal breakfast all sophemores are in a teacher's classroom eating breakfast. We have no clue why but it was on the announcements yesterday.

"So I heard some stuff.." Anna said with a grin as I groaned.

"Anna, I don't want to hear about 10th grade drama again." I said as Anna chuckled.

"No it's not that apparently, we are all here because of a trip." Anna said, making me curious.

"Mid year?" I asked as Anna nodded.

"Yeah apparently so." Anna said as I nodded but everyone quieted down as we saw all our teachers enter the room and stand at the front of the class before speaking.

"Alright now I'm pretty sure all of you have a clue as to why you're all here but just in case you don't I'll explain." One teacher said as we all paid attention.

"Now as you all know it's getting close to the middle of the year, and around this time we like to take a trip, a trip to our very own River Springs resort." The teacher explained as the class developed into whispers.

"Now during this two day trip you will explore the big cities' history and how this all came to be, but you will have time to explore the other things that the resort has to offer." The teacher said which made the class cheer but settled down once the teachers spoke again.

"Now you will have to pay for your own things but we will pay for rooms and transportation." The teacher explained.

"Now you will have room buddies, only a few people will get a room alone, but you will get to choose your own partners for your room now once you decide who your staying with come to us because that's who your sitting with on the bus." The teacher explained as the class went wild.

Anna was about to say something before I saw Brooke standing infront of me with a smile.

"Wanna be partners?" She asked me as Anna and I both looked at one another, and then back at Brooke.

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