No Touching

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Natalia POV


Thank me if you're ever and I mean EVER going on a long term field trip bring noise canceling headphones or bring Spotify or else you WILL suffer.

"Geez, that was a long bus ride.." Anna said with a groan as she began to walk around, probably waking up her foot which fell asleep halfway through the ride.

"ALRIGHT everyone listen up, I'm going to give you your keys to your rooms, so everyone line up." The teacher said as we all nodded and got into the line.

Me and Anna got in the line for our rooms as the others stayed out. We waited until we got to the front, the teacher smiling as he saw us.

"Here you are ladies." He said handing us our keys, turns out we are about 5 rooms down from one another.

We happily exited the line Anna went over to Chloe and I went over to Brooke and showed her our key.

"Here's our room key." I said with a smile as she nodded and without warning wrapped her arm around my waist which made me freeze.

Anna looked at me and then at her instantly realizing my discomfort I gave her a smile trying to tell her it was fine, but she didn't take that for an answer.

"Alright Natalia, let's explore the place, they can go unlock the rooms." She said in a happy tone as grabbed the keys from me shoving them into Brooke's chest and handed her keys off to Chloe before grabbing me before anyone could say anything to anyone.

"Are you alright?" She asked in a whisper as soon as we got a bit away from everyone.

"Yeah, I'm..uh fine." I said as I kind of brushed Brooke's touch off of me which Anna nodded.

We began walking around the resort exploring all the places we could go for about 30 minutes before Anna felt her pocket buzz, it was a text from Chloe.

"Teacher said everyone has to meet up at their rooms as lunch is going to be prepared soon." She said as I nodded and we made our way to the rooms.

We went into the elevator and went up to our floor but before we left Anna grabbed my arm making me stop and look at her for a moment.

"Text me if she does anything, ok?" She said as I nodded hesitantly, before we left the elevator as a weird feeling came over me and it didn't feel nice.

But I shook it off as I hesitantly opened the door to our shared room for the next two days.

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