Old Friends

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Natalia POV

As we pulled up to the school I felt my heart go heavy as I remembered everything that ever happened in that building but I pushed those feelings aside because I said I was going to enjoy this and not let the past hold me back.

Me and my mom both got out of the car as we went in through the front office in order for my mom to sign me in but I stopped when I sawthe old sign.

Riverside Highschool

I got lost in the sign before my mom tapped me on the shoulder giving me a small smile making me let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in before I gave her a small smile back as we went in together.

As soon as we walked in the old smell of the school made a nostalgic feeling come over me as I saw my mom talking to the front desk, I took out my phone and took a photo of where I was before sending it to Anna.

Me: (Picture sent)
Me: Guess who's back? :)

ANNA: You better not be joking, say sike right now.

Me: Who says I'm joking?

I sent another photo along with a video of me spitting in the office, I waited for a moment before I saw the principal come out to meet me and my mom which made me put my phone away, as he gave me a big smile and a pat on the back.

"Welcome back to Riverside Natalia." He said with a smile as he handed me my schedule.

"I put you in your tested subjects this year but also I think Anna is in a lot of them if I'm not mistaken." He said making my mom smile as he gave me a wink which made me chuckle.

"Now I know you may not remember this place as much as you used to but if you need a guide let me know." He said but was interrupted by Anna who barged through the door like a madman.

Great just how I remembered her, a madman.

"I volunteer, I volunteered to show the new kid around sir." She said as she straightened herself out before she stared at me with a big smile making him chuckle as I silently apologized to the door.

"Well I guess that's solved then, go show the new student around." He said as she hugged my mom who was leaving before grabbing my arm and practically dragging me out of the office.

"I will sir don't worry." She said loudly making him and my mom laugh as they both bidded us goodbye as she dragged me out of the office and into student rush hour.

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