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Natalia POV

"Home sweet home." My mom said with a smile and she took a look at our old home before walking inside.

I stood there in front of the house for a moment before signing and walking inside.

As soon as I walked in a wave of nostalgia hit me as I walked to the house, it felt like I hadn't left it all, like I had been there the entire time I smiled before going into my old room and started to unpack all the boxes within my room.

So after what felt like a million boxes later I was done, my room was finally unpacked, I stood there proud of my accomplishment before I heard my mom from down the hall say dinner was done.

"Dinner tonight is pizza, hope you don't mind." My mom said as she opened the pizza box as I sat on the other side of her.

"I don't mind at all." I said with a smile as I dug into the pizza along with my mom a comfortable silence came over us before she spoke again.

"So uh you start school this upcoming Monday." She said as I nodded but I looked up to see a hesitant look in her eyes I knew something was bothering her but she took a breath and then said what was on her mind.

"I'm sorry you have to go back there." She said as I nodded.

"It's fine Mom, you did your best I mean if I think about it I'm glad I get to go there again." I replied as my mom's eyes looked at me with confusion as I explained.

"Anna will be there, I know the people, and the teachers so instead of having to start all over I'll get somewhat of a head start." I explained as I ate my food my mom nodded as she stared at me for a bit before doing the same.

I mean I knew what she was really apologizing for, and it wasn't her fault I mean if anything she did the right thing taking that job all those years ago just to get me out of this town and away from her.

"Well then I suppose we have to go back to school shopping huh?" My mom said with a chuckle breaking Me from my train of thought.

I looked at her before giving her a smile and a nod.

"I guess we do." I said with a chuckle as my mom smiled, we sat in a comfortable silence once again as we finished up our food and we both got up but before she left she turned to me and smiled.

"Goodnight honey." She said before going into her room, I gave her a nod and then went into my room closing the door behind me as I popped down on my bed.

If there was one thing for certain I wouldn't let old memories and experiences get in the way of this new start, or at least semi new start, and I sure as hell won't let her bother me I'll enjoy this, the best I can.

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