Trip Day

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Natalia POV

Today is the day.

The day of the trip, me and Anna were standing by the bus waiting for Chloe who was very late something Anna wasn't pleased with.

"I swear if I don't get a good seat because of her, I'm going to-"

"Anna it is a school bus, no seat is a good seat so calm down." I said interrupting her little rant as she shot me a look until we saw both Chloe and Andrea coming our way.

"Sorry Anna had to pick up this one because she forgot to tell her mom to drop her off." Chloe said to Anna who huffed at her words me and Andrea looked at each other for a small while before looking away.

At least we could be civil, for Anna and Chloe's sake.

"Blah blah blah, let's go everyone we don't have all day, move it move it." Anna said, rushing all of us on the bus quickly.

I immediately went to the back the rest following me until I spotted Brooke who gave me a small smile until she saw the others which made it fall into a frown.


Me and Brooke sat together in one seat while Anna and Chloe sat right beside us, and Andrea sat behind Chloe in the single seat of the bus, the air becoming tense.

"Alright let's get this trip started." Anna said excitedly, making me and Chloe chuckle.

I stayed quiet for a bit before I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around to see Brooke who was getting glared at by both Chloe and Andrea before she bent down and began to talk.

"Are you sure you want to be so close to you know..Andrea? I mean we can move if you'd like." She whispered as she stole a glance at Andrea as I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine, I wanna be by Anna." I said with a smile as Brooke looked at me for a bit before nodding her head.

"Ok..if that's what you want." She said a bit passive as she turned to look out the window leaving me a bit confused at her actions.

Why is she acting so weird?

I was about to ask until I saw her eyes making me freeze, I turned back to look at Anna without a second thought as she began to speak to me.

A shiver went down my spine as I recognized the look, an emotion that didn't make sense to me, I could have sworn I saw it.

The look of anger.

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