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Andrea POV

After my text with Chloe I set my phone down and continued to do my work before the teacher said we could leave, I grabbed my things quickly and left as fast as I could.

I waited outside of the school building for Natalia, once I saw her I watched her before I built up the courage to call over to her.

"Natalia." I said making her stop in her tracks before she slowly turned over to look at me, our eyes held eye contact for what felt like the longest time, almost an eternity.

"Follow me." I said as I walked over to the side of the school building I could tell she wasn't following me at first before I soon heard her footsteps following lightly behind me.

"Stay away from Brooke." I said lightly as I turned to look at her her eyes held confusion as she starred at me.

"Why?" She asked ever so lightly, as soon as her voice rang through my ears it made me zone out for a bit at the fact I hadn't heard it in so long, so so long.

"Because she's not a good person, she's using you." I said trying to sound sincere, caring even as her eyes turned from confusion to anger.

"It's not right to call people names, nor is it ok to assume." She said slight annoyance in her voice.


"You what Andrea? Me and Brooke are only friends nothing more." I said as I looked down at the ground breathing heavy as I thought about it for a minute.

Could she be really be trying to be her friend?

I swallowed my pride and hardened my futures as I looked at her with for a moment causing her eyes to widen as she looked at me, even going as far as to back up.

"I'll keep it in mind." She whispered her voice lowering from her normal tone to a soft tone which made me flinch as I knew why she did this and it made me instantly look at the ground.

She was afraid of me.

I mean she had a right to be, after all I did.

After that a silence fell among us making us a bit uncomfortable as we hadn't been in each others presents ever since her last day at this school.

I was about to speak again until she grew tears in her eyes before she turned away and quickly walked away from me which made me worried as I didn't know what I did.

"Wait-" I said but stopped as I remembered Chloe's text making me just watch her leave as I stood there hoping I hadn't ruined it.

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