In Depth Talk

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Chloe POV

I heard the bell ring which made me thank god as I quickly gathered my things before I quickly left the classroom and then the school as I started walking to my car.

"CHLOE!" I heard the one voice I wanted to hear, but not yelling my name causing me to stop and turn around to see Anna jogging towards me.

Uh oh, am I in trouble?

I stood there until she was right next to me, she grabbed my arm and pulled me toward my car, motioning for me to unlock it which I did as we both got in the car.

"What is she known for, like what does she do?" She asked, I looked at her rather confused as she looked behind her and pointed at Brooke.

"Her, what is she known for?" She asked again as I stared at Brooke for a moment before I turned to look at Anna.

"She's known for playing with people, and I don't mean just bullying them or something, I mean she plays mind games." I replied as Anna looked a bit worried.

"What does that mean?" She asked, making me sigh.

"She'll get close to someone act like their her friend, be all buddy buddy with them for a while before she strikes." I exxplianed as Anna continued to look worried.

"Strike?" She said.

"Strike, means she'll get you to you know.." I said as her eyes widened and quickly nodded.

"Oh.. so she doesn't really do friends?" She asked as I nodded again.

I mean it's what she's known for, and the people she hangs out with only encourage her behavior; they are nothing far from disgusting people.

"So she's playing Natalia.." She mumbled as I nodded.

"Whatever Natalia thinks is happening, isn't really happening." I said as she nodded.

"You better not be lying or I swear I'll-" She started but I stopped her by holding up my hand.

"I'd never lie to you, especially not about something like this." I said truthfully as she sighed and shook her head.

"Well then I guess we are in for a ride." She said as I nodded.

We sat there in silence as we knew this wasn't going to end well but we knew we were in for a ride and it's a long one too.

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