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Natalia POV

"Natalia uh we need to talk." Anna said as we both left the school as I nodded.

"Ok..about what?" I asked.

"About your roommate for the trip." She said as I groaned.

"Anna, me and her are only friends, we aren't going to do anything." I said as Anna nodded.

"And I understand that but she.." Anna said as I turned to look at her as we got in her car.

"Anna I'll be fine, Brooke is sweet she wouldn't hurt a fly." I said with a chuckle as Anna looked at me as she knew I wasn't going to back down from this.

"Fine, but uh- don't fall for something at face value ok? Just know that some people are more than they seem ok?" She said as she looked at me with worry as I thought about it.

I mean I understand why she is probably concerned about this. I mean Brooke is new to her, but what I don't understand is why she's so persistent about it. Maybe there is more about this than she's letting on?

"Is there something that you're not telling me?" I asked as she looked a bit worried.

"Do you want me to be honest with you?" She asked as I nodded.

"Of course I want you to be." I replied.

"She knows about what happened between you and the others." She said as I froze.

"How did she find out? Did someone tell her?" I questioned rather worried as Anna shook her head.

"I don't know, all I know is that she knows." Anna said as I sighed.

I mean I was trying my best to keep that from her, because it's rather embarrassing that it happened plus I don't want her to know me by someone that something like that happened to them.

"Well that's ok, I have hope that she won't do anything bad with that information." I said with a smile as Anna just looked at me.

"But Natalia-" Anna said before I stopped her.

"Anna no one in their right mind would use someones trauma against them plus Brooke as I said is nice, she wouldn't hurt a fly but as I promised I will text you if something happens ok?" I said reassuringly as Anna nodded.

"Ok." She said as she sighed.

"Ok." I said with a smile as we drove to my house for the day.

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