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Chloe POV

That's it.

I watched her walk away, I just watched my girl walk away from me, I wiped the tears away from my eyes as I pulled out my phone and clicked on Andrea's contact.

Me: Brooke isn't getting close to Anna, she's getting close to Natalia

Andrea: What? Why? Did Anna tell you why?

Me: No all she said was she wasn't talking to Brooke herself

Andrea: Ok I'll talk to Natalia

Me: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Andrea: I don't care if it's a 'good idea' or not

Me: Ok

I put my phone in my pocket as I walked out of the area and went to walk to my class and got there a bit late which made my teacher annoyed but I didn't care as I went to my desk in the back of the class.

I was stuck in thought and didn't really care about this class anyway I pulled out my phone again and pulled up Andrea's contact again.

Me: Don't screw this up Andrea, I mean it.

Andrea: I won't, not this time.

And with that I put my phone back into my pocket before I let my mind wonder to Anna's words.

"You don't get to feel sorry not after what you did, not after what happened, not after who you sided with."

My heart felt alone, I missed her.

Even though Andrea is my friend, I value Anna more I won't let her do what she did back then, I won't just stand by like last time and let it happen.

I recognize that what Andrea did was wrong, whether or not she has some undecided feelings about what happened that day, I don't know because I cut contact for a while after what happened with Anna.

After she left me.

I felt angry at myself at what happened, I was angry at Andrea for being so stupid, that for a long time I didn't contact Andrea at all I was so..heartbroken I couldn't face her.

I promised myself that if things ever went back to normal or even semi-normal, I would put my all into Anna without a second thought I wouldn't choose Andrea over her again.

I promise you Anna, I'll choose you this time around.

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