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Natalia POV

"So who was that huh?" Anna asked as she looked behind us and watched Brooke walk the other way.

"That is my new friend, Brooke." I replied as she gave me a smirk which made me roll my eyes because I knew what she was thinking.

"Friends huh?" She said teasingly as I groaned knowing this was coming.

"Not like that Anna, we literally just met each other." I said as Anna nodded.

"Yeah, Yeah I was only messing, but if she hurts you-" Anna said before I interrupted her.

"Ok we get it, we get it." I said as Anna smiled.

"Good, now onto the last period of the day and then we are FREE." Anna said happily as I shook my head.

"Its the first day Anna it's not that bad." I said as we reached the classroom.

We did the same thing as we did everyother time she hugged me, waved me goodbye, and then I went into the classroom and sat in the back perusal.

As the teacher read the names I heard Andrea's which made me sigh but when I looked around the room she wans't here?

I continued to look around until she was labed absent, which was weird because she was here 2 periods ago, did she leave early? On the first day of school? Why?

Wait- why do I care?

What is wrong with me?


The last went by painfully slow which is normal but I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to Andrea, why her I have no clue, but it confused me as to why she would leave early on the first day of school.

It confused me.

I shook it off though, because I promised myself I would enjoy my time here not worry about someone who is rather...rude.

As class ended I quickly packed my things and left the classroom to see Anna already waiting for me by the door which made me smile as she grabbed my hand and led me out of the school and into her car.

"Don't drive like a madwoman please I wish to keep my life." I said as I got into the car which made her grin before buckling in.

"But thats the good thing about me." She said as she started to drive and made me fear for my life.

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