Morning Plans

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Natalia POV

I woke up with the sun a bit in my eyes. It was cold in the room as I sat up and looked around to see Brooke nowhere to be found. I stood up and went to the restroom and quickly changed into more suitable clothes for the day.

I went back to my bed and grabbed my phone to see I had some texts from Anna saying she wanted us to do something this morning which I happily agreed too, as I did so I saw Brooke enter our room.

"Oh uh- good morning." Brooke said as she saw me awake which I returned the pleasantries back to her before setting my phone down to go up my shoes on.

"Going somewhere?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah Anna wants to do some stuff with me this morning and I told her I would, so I'm going out to meet her." I explained as she nodded.

She did her thing, setting her stuff down for the first time on this trip the room didn't feel heavy. Maybe my prayers were answered but then she turned to look at me and began to speak.

"Oh yeah uh- I almost forgot when you come back I guess, would you like to do something with me?" She asked as I thought about it before nodding.

"I don't see why not." I replied which made her smile.

"That's great, well uh- have a good outing then." She said as I smiled.

"I will." I replied as I grabbed my phone and then left the room to go meet Anna down the hall.

Anna smiled as she saw me and quickly rushed me over to the elevator and then down to the main floor as we went she began to speak.

"So I know I said it was only going to be us BUT Chloe wanted to come too and then Andrea wanted to come because you know how they are, practically at the hip." Anna explained as I chuckled.

"Anna it's fine you can bring your girlfriend wherever you want and I can be civil with Andrea it's no biggie." I said which made Anna flustered as she smacked me playfully.

"She's not my girlfriend, it's my ex-girlfriend." Anna corrected as I grinned.

"Yeah that's a big fat lie." I said as she groaned and began to explain why she wasn't lying to me but I shrugged it off as we went to the main floor.

Once the doors opened I saw the two we were looking for. We were laughing as we left the elevator and began our day with good times.

Turns out today might actually be a good day.

Oh how wrong I was.

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