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Natalia POV

Ever since that day everybody and I mean EVERYBODY has been so excited about the trip, even though it's a month away but I have to admit with the way schools been passing by I think we will be at the trip quicker than we think.

"So uh- you excited?" Brooke asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Huh- what?" I asked, making Brooke chuckle.

"I asked if you were excited?" She repeated again as I looked at her confused.

"For what exactly?" I asked which made Brooke laugh.

"The trip, are you excited, you since it's practically around the corner." She said which made me sigh.

"Am I excited for the trip, yeah of course, do I want to hear about it every period, no." I said which made Brooke chuckle.

"Ok I guess that's understandable." Brooke said as I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm just super excited because we get to spend some more time together, and such." Brooke said as I nodded.

But then I stopped as she stared at me with this weird look on her face which made me a bit uneasy as it didn't give me a nice feeling almost as if she was waiting for something to happen.

"You alright there Brooke?" I asked which seemed to bring her out of her trase as she nodded and chuckled.

"Sorry just got lost in your eyes for a minute." She said nervous as I did an awkward chuckle.

She turned around and went back to her work which made me go back to mine but I looked over at her one more time to see that she wasn't doing anything?

Almost as if she was stuck in a train of thought, her eyes were definitely clouded by something but I don't know maybe I said something to trigger something.

I shrugged it off and continued to do my work until it was time to go. I packed up my things and was about to bid Brooke goodbye until she just left the room without a word.


I walked out of the classroom as I saw her with her group of friends who turned to look at me for a moment before laughing to themselves before leading Brooke away.

I stood there for a moment watching them walk away until I saw Anna at the other side of the hall waving me over making me go over to her with a sigh.

Something has changed. Dramatically.

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