Friends Collide

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Natalia POV

Wow. Remind me never to underestimate the power of hungry people that are stuck in a hallway, I was very violently pushed and shoved around like I was nothing geez.

"So how was your day been?" Anna asked as I plopped down on my seat next to her.

"Good, beside the fact I just go pushed around." I said which made Anna laugh a bit before she settled down and shook her head.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad, also how was your 'get to know eachother day' with Brooke?" Anna asked curious.

"Oh it went well just asked some questions thats all." I replied as she hummed in reply before we both felt a hand on our shoulders making us turn around to see Brooke with a big smile on her face.

"Hows my favroite table doing?" She asked as she stood a little bit in between our seats.

Anna looked at her and then back at her hand several times before replying.

"We're good." She said planly making Brooke nod as she finally released her grip finally most likely relizing Anna's looks.

"Well thats good, just wanted to check up on you guys you know?" She said as we both nodded in unionson before Brooke sighed.

"Well got to go ladies, see ya!" She said as she left us alone leaving us alone for the time being as we ate our lunch, before Anna stopped and began to spoke.

"Hey uh- did you talk to Andrea or something?" She asked out of the blue as I shook my head.

"No why?" I asked.

"Because Chloe and Andrea both happen to be starring at us and I know I haven't said anything to them so I thought you did." She explained as I looked over my head to indeed see the both of them starring at us.

Both had unreadable expressions on their faces, they both were looking between the two of us as if they were trying to figure something out.

Chloe looked away after awhile but Andrea's lingered for a while our eye contact sending shivers down my spine before Chloe tapped her finally making her look away and I did the same.

"Well that was weird." She said with a chuckle making me chuckle but the feeling I felt as Andrea stared at me still lingered on me but then I felt it.

Her stare.

But I shrugged it off until lunch ended making me and Anna both leave quickly as I think we both felt something change but as I left I still felt her stare still on me, but I shrugged it off once more as I left.

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