New Friend

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Natalia POV

"This is your next class, after the next two classes I'll drive you home, I already texted my mom and she said yes so don't worry." Anna said with a proud smile as I looked at her and sighed.

Love how she's already planned out my day.

"Great I have to deal with you for the rest of the day." I said jokingly which made her shove me jokingly making me chuckle as I opened the door to the classroom.

"Ok now go to class, don't want you to be late." I said as she rolled her eyes but followed my instructions as she hugged me before leaving as I went into the classroom.

"Oh you must be Natalie?" The teacher asked as I nodded making her smile.

"Well everyone this is Natalie treat her well." The teacher said as I nodded at the class.

"You can sit anywhere you'd like." The teacher said as I nodded unlike last period there was a lot of chairs to sit, as I was walking towards the back I saw a seat making me smile as I sat down.

"You new?" A voice asked making me turn my head to see a girl looking at me with a curious look.

"Somewhat." I replied making her look confused.

"Somewhat, what does that mean?" She asked me looking confused.

"I uh- used to go to school here around my middle school years, but left before going to high school." I explained as she nodded understandably.

"I'm Brooke, you?" She asked as she offered a hand making me chuckle.

"Natalia." I replied as I shook her hand which made her smile.

After we shook hands the teacher began teaching, the class was easy at least to me, it was simple introduction stuff to the subject and before I knew it class was over and I was packing up.

But before I left I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was Brooke.

"What class do you have next maybe I can walk you." She offered making me chuckle as I shook my head.

"Can't sorry I have a friend thats already doing that." I said which made her frown as she nodded.

"Alright guess I lost my shot then huh? But we are friends right?" She asked as I thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"I'd say we are." I replied making her smile and nod.

"Good uh- see you tomorrow." She said as we both left the classroom and went our separate ways.

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