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Natalia POV

Me and Anna watched as both Chloe and Andrea started taking our stuff out of our room, due to the fact that they refused to let us help Andrea's reasoning being she was working for her forgiveness which I already gave her.

And Chloe is just being Chloe, and what I mean by that is doing everything that Anna is supposed to do for her because she wants to.

"They make everything so difficult, they act as if we are frail." Anna said with a sigh as I laughed and shook my head.

"No, maybe they just want to be helpful." I said as the girls came our way with smiles on their faces.

"Alright we got everything, everyone ready to go?" Chloe said as we all nodded but as I turned around I saw Brooke walking towards the bus then I remembered something.

"I have to sit by her.." I mumbled as they all looked at each other before looking at me.

"Don't worry Natalia- I mean if you want we can switch." Anna said, making Chloe's eyes go wide.

I couldn't let her do this.

"No it's fine, I'll be ok." I said with a smile as Chloe and Anna looked at me with sad eyes but Andrea was looking at Brooke with an angry look.

Until she started walking towards Brooke, making all of us confused as to what she was doing Chloe even tried holding her back but Andrea didn't let her as she continued to walk towards Brooke who by now had already noticed her.

"Andrea what are you do-" I started but stopped once I saw Andrea ball up her fist and punch Brooke in the face.

"Ohh!" Chloe said as she flinched at the punch and me and Anna looked on in shock.

The teachers went nuts at Andrea but she didn't care as we walked back over to us as if she didn't just commit a crime.

"Now you don't." She said, giving me a smile as she just grabbed my things and walked it onto the bus.

"She's whipped no questions about it." Anna whispered to me as Chloe ran after Andrea with Anna's things making us chuckle.

"Yup." I said as we followed behind them.

I guess giving her a second chance wasn't so bad after all.

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