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Anna POV

I was walking to my last period class when I saw Chloe outside the room leaning on the wall next to the door, when she saw me we held eye contact with one another before she waved me over.

I was hesitant but despite my better judgement I followed her to where she wanted which just so happened to be a secluded area I stopped walking as soon as she did which made the conversation start.

"What do you want Chloe?" I asked rather annoyed that she's making me late to my class not that we are doing anything but still.

"Ouch, why the hostility Anna?" She asked with a dramatic hand on her chest as if she was hurt.

"Don't act hurt, now what do you want?" I asked again which caused Chloe to sigh as she stood there silent before speaking.

"Why- why are you hanging around with Brooke Johnson?" She finally asked making me confused.

"Why do you care?" I asked as she sighed once again before looking up at me with those eyes of hers before she spoke again.

"Please Ann, just answer the question." She said in a low voice causing me to sigh and give into her request.

"It's not me hanging around her, it's Natalia now answer my question, why do you care?" I answered back which caused her to let out a breath of what seemed to be relief before her eyes clouded again.

"Just wanted to know." She said obviously lying which made me irritated making me walk closer to her until we were about inches or maybe even a foot away from each other.

"Don't lie to me Chole." I said my voice filled with annoyance as she backed up a bit but reluctantly gave into my request.

"She's just..not a good person, I just wanted to make sure were safe thats all." She explained lightly as a feeling I knew all to well came back to my chest but I pushed it aside.

"What do you mean not a good person?" I asked.

"She..she's just has..a reputation for uh playing with peoples hearts, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't you she was playing with." She answered as I sucked in a breath.

"Well thank you for telling me, I'll be on my way now." I said as I went to leave but she stopped me wrapping her arms around me keeping me in place.

"Chloe, let go." I said my voice coming out as a whisper as she gripped me tighter.

"I regret that day." She whispered as my heart filled with rage.

"You mean the day you were a coward." I said my voice filled with anger as I could hear her sunk in a breath.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered her voice laced with regret as I felt my rage grow.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing too, you know that." I replied as she nodded as to answer me silently.

"I still please don't hate me for too long." She said as I leaned into her by habit as I sighed.

"Stop this now." I said as I pushed her away from me causing her to stumble back before she looked up at me.

"You don't get to feel sorry not after what you did, not after what happened, not after who you sided with." I said angry as she looked at me silently as she finally nodded.

"I regret not choosing you." She mumbled.

"Yeah well it's too late for that now, isn't it." I said with a scoff as she put her head down again almost in shame as she nodded again before I sighed and began to walk away from her.

But I stopped just before I left the place and turned back to look at her as she stood there watching me leave.

"And you no longer have the privilege to call me that anymore." I said as I looked her in the eyes her eyes watering but she nodded and quickly turned away as I left the secluded area and to my classroom.

I couldn't forgive her for what she did, no matter how much I loved her.

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