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Natalia POV

"She hasn't changed one bit has she?" I asked finally letting my curiosity out which made Anna look at me before she rolled her eyes.

"No she hasn't, not one bit." Anna replied as I nodded.

I mean I thought that she wouldn't but, hey people can change over 4 years but I guess some people don't.

"But don't worry about her, don't waste your time worrying about her just enjoy it." Anna said while patting me on the back giving me a small smile which I returned back.

I was really hoping to not run into her at all this entire day, but I can't really complain because it's a school that she happens to still attend sadly.

"Ok enough of her, let's see your schedule." Anna said as I handed her my schedule as she looked at it for a moment before gaining a bright smile.

"We have so many classes together, which is good, so just follow me around for the morning but after that you're on your own but don't worry I'll walk you." Anna said with a smile.

We walked down the halls and into our first class, which happened to be science, my favorite.

I introduced myself to the class per the teacher's instruction and sat in the back like I used to, the morning passed by fast though turns out me and Anna have all our 'core' classes in the morning.

All throughout the day I got 'welcome back' or the teachers giving me a small head nod which I was happy about because I'm glad some people missed me, not that I thought I did much but turns out most of the staff is happy that I'm back.

"Wow you're turning into a celebrity." Anna said with a chuckle as I gave her a look as she knows I hate being the center of attention, I mean half of the people that are saying 'hi' to me I don't even remember.

"I don't even know half of those people, and the other part of them I don't remember, I feel bad," I said as Anna chuckled as we went into the cafeteria for lunch.

"Well you have been gone for 4 years so you're practically ancient, and apparently so is your memory." Anna said as I pushed her lightly making her laugh.

We ate lunch which was actually edible for once and as we ate I felt the stair once again I looked back and saw Andrea looking at me with once again an unreadable expression before she looked away.

"She either is plotting something or just likes staring at you." Anna said as I shoved her playfully before we finished up lunch and left to my next class.

"Time to walk you to your class without me." Anna said with a pout as we walked making me chuckle.

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