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London 2018
time - 9:30 am

Lilah hated mornings.
No seriously what is so good about leaving bed at godly hours in the morning??
She heard her alarm going off for about two minutes before her older brother Calum, who was here for his summer break, walked in.

"Lilah turn that shit off dude" he barges in walking towards her nightstand and unplugging her alarm
"if you're not gonna wake up don't wake all of us up too"
rubbing her face still getting used to the sunlight she sat up in my bed looking at a tired Calum
"sorry, i have to go to a meeting in...."
she goes to check the time and realised.
fuck .
She jump out of bed pushing Calum out of the way running to her closet
Calum being the supportive brother he is just sat on her bed laughing his ass off like a kid.
"who's the meeting with anyways? aren't you like 12?" Calum said know she was 18 but him being 'way older' by two years he tends to mock her age.
"no im actually 18,if you didn't have such a big head you'd get it right"
She walked over to him shoving him out of her room needing to get changed.
"yeah yeah goodluck lia"

She ran down the stairs almost tripping on one of Amelia's toys, picking it up and setting it down on the sofa on my way to the kitchen.
"Morning! i'm running late so i'm just gonna grab a coffee when i'm there"
She quickly hugged her mum who was sipping on her morning black coffee,no sugar to it either,gross.
after quickly shouting a bye to everyone she got in her car starting it up and to her surprise her spotify connected to it instantly playing 'Subside by Eloise' one of her favourite songs.

She was going to this office in central to speak about some of my work i've been sending out to different companies because her absolute dream is to tour with an artist and take their concert photos.

"Hi I am  Lilah Bloom i'm here for a meeting at..." she checked my watch for the time "10:00?" The woman at the desk looked up at her with a quick smile, she had beautiful green eyes and jet black hair she was wearing a brown leather jacket with a black corset top-
"hello?? are you okay?" the lady at the desk asked apparently she had been starting at her for too long.
"oh yeah sorry what did you say"
"i said take the lift to floor three then room 286"
she said with a slight smirk playing on her face
"uh thank you!"
she said and quickly grabbed my stuff going to the lift, thing is she's gay,like gay gay but not rainbows and pride parades gay.
She owns it of course but it's really determined how people see me reason why she don't say anything about it unless she's asked.

She walked into the office tucked in the corner of the building taking in a deep breath.
"I got this,this is gonna be so chill"
she spoke to herself in a whisper
She grabbed the doorknob twisting it slowly and opening the door
"good morning! Im Lila-" her breath was caught at my throat at the sight of the blonde woman sitting at the end of the long glass table.
There's just no way.

I knew i should have worn my matching set

"good morning you must be Lilah Bloom,please take a seat" the older man said in a sweet tone and her eyes were quite literally stuck on the blonde goddess sitting opposite me.

"Y-yeah that's me hi" Lilah said with a shy smile playing at her lips taking a careful seat at the big table full of what she assumed was Renée's team.
"So miss Blossom-"
"please,call me Lilah" she said wanting to familiarise herself with them earning a light chuckle from the blonde.
"Lilah then, we've had a look at your work and from what we've seen we are very impressed!"
with a smile and slight blush creeping onto her face she turns her head so she is directly looking at Renée
"you think so?"
A nod was earned from everyone at the table giving herself a pat in the back for all the hard work she's done
"well if this is something you'd be interested in we'd love to sign you as...."
She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
it's been so long since she had been dreaming of a moment like this-
"Lilah? what do you think?"
She snapped her head towards the older man nodding
"y-yeah i'd love to!"

Lilah stood in the queue for her coffee at the lobby of the building she had previously just had her meeting, going on her phone.

lgbtv 📺👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩





did you make out with a hot lesbian??

lilah don't say you're pregnant.

she's gay....

So? she can still get pregnant


LilahNo one is pregnant and no i didn't kiss anyone

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No one is pregnant and no i didn't kiss anyone

i just got signed to tour with THE LESBIAN INTERN!!


fuck .

i'm her little lesbian intern 🤭
surprised i didn't climb over that desk and

She felt a presence behind her as she was tying but chose to ignore before hearing a
soft voice say

"hey baby you're lilah right?"

She turned her phone off quicker than anything she's ever done before turning around seeing the blonde woman who was sat so far now only three feet away from her

"uhm yeah that's me! Renée right?"

she mentally slapped herself for even asking that earning a small chuckle form the blonde

"well i'd hope you would know my name since we'll be on tour soon" she watched as the flirty woman in front of her bit her lip smiling down at the Brown headed girl

"wanna get some food? we can get to know each other..."

literally i have a whole plan for this book im so excited i hope you all enjoy it let me know in the comments!
best song to listen to during this chapter was pretty girls by yours truly
love you x

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