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it's been 3 days since Maya joined tour.
Lilah has been sticking to a routine at this point trying to avoid any interaction with the two.
-wake up
-get camera equipment ready
-wait until concert and take pictures
-go back to the hotel edit
She has of course been in rehearsals and maya happened to always be there too which is where she was right now.

"she's so hot when she does that" May said sitting next to Lilah as the pair watched Renée rehearse 'Not my fault'

"don't you agree?" Maya said in a challenging tone to Lilah who hasn't even turned to her
"i'm gonna get some food"
Lilah said pissed off getting up and making her way down the steps to the front of the stage.

"where are you going lilah?"
"don't worry about it"
Lilah said back to renée as she walked out of the stadium.

Renée looked out seeing the only seat being taken by Maya making think why she hasn't seen Lilah around ever since Maya joined tour.

"Renée we need you to get in the car you have a photoshoot in one hour"
"okay is maya coming?"
Adam,her manager gave her a look before she sighed and rushed out to get into the car

the car ride was draining for renée she looked out the window as Maya went on about how they need to post more picture together because "its good for my algorithm" whatever that means Renée didn't want to take any pictures.

Renée,Maya and Adam stepped out of the car entering the building they would be spending the rest of the day in, Meanwhile Lilah had just gotten back from getting her lunch as well as some snack for Towa, who she ended up getting really close with recently.

"Towa is got you some nerds things you asked for" Lilah said walking into the green room meeting a smiling Towa
"you're the best thanks lia" Towa said giving the shorter girl a hug sitting back down on the sofa.

"where is everyone else?" Lilah asked seeing as it was very empty
"Nae had a shoot with a magazine so they went to that she wasn't really happy about it" Lilah looked at Towa confused as she seemed pretty happy lately

"why isn't she happy? she loves all this"
"she does but ..." Lilah looked at Towa as she took a weird amount of time to think of what to say gaining suspicion from Lilah
"she's just a bit tired"

"just tired?"
"Lia is nothing if she wants to tell you she will-"
"if she wants to tell me? tell me what ?"
Lilah started getting a little defensive,after their talk in the hotel room she guessed they were friends but from what she's hearing it's almost as if she's hiding things from her.

"Lia it's okay she's just dealing with some personal things,i wouldn't tell your business to her unless you told me i could right?"
Towa looked at Lilah knowing she was right.
"i guess,im gonna head out and get ready for the show"
Lilah got up grabbing her stuff ready for the show
"alright tiny i'll see you there"
Lilah hated when she called her that earning a pillow being thrown at her
"shut up"

"just leave me alone for one second"
Renée slammed the bathroom door to the venue.
They had been on the photoshoot for 4 hours meaning when they finished she went straight to getting her makeup and outfit ready for the show and she was a little stressed and overwhelmed with the way Maya would keep asking her for things.

She looked in the mirror taking a deep breath before someone knocked on the door
"Renée? are you okay?" it was Towa and before she could speak again she opened the door letting her in
"what's wrong?"
She simply shook her head as her eyes filled with tears and Towa took her into her arms
"its gonna be okay Nae i promise, i'll help you fix this okay?"
This only earned a sob from the blonde
"do you want to postpone this show? i can talk to adam"
"no i don't wanna they all paid to be here i just needed a minute,i love these shows"
Towa looked a little worried at her before nodding "alright i'll be waiting for you"
Towa said kissing her forehead lightly before leaving the bathroom.

Lilah squeezes past security getting her camera ready as she saw Towa walk into stage snapping a couple pictures of her before someone bumped into her messing up one of the pictures

"oops sorry just wanted a good view of my girl" Maya said walking across where Lilah thought she'd be alone to take pictures
"why aren't you at the wings with everyone else?" She asked confused and annoyed as this was her job and she needed to concentrate
"why you gotta be so annoying for?" Maya scoffed looking at the stage
"excuse you? i'm here to fucking wo-"

Renée shouted in her microphone before Lilah could finish her sentence.

"it went like
you were my one
you set my world on fire
i know there heaven
but we must be higher
i'm gonna love you till my heart retires
forever will last
i think it went something like that"

Renée sang as Lilah was at the front of the stage and she crouched down making eye contact with the shorter brunette making this their first interaction in three days.

For Lilah is like the world went a little quieter as she looked at those blue eyes she lately hasn't stopped thinking about.

It would be wrong to do the things she has been thinking about but something in her was telling her she should just go for it.

The show came to an end after three people fainted and Renée made sure they all got taken care of meanwhile Maya was on her phone for most of the show.


They made their way back to the hotel again being next door to Renée and Maya and opposite to Towa

"dude why can't you just stop?! i said i don't wanna do anything! i'm fucking tired!"
Renée had an outburst after Maya had been constantly wanting her to do things but she was tired

"you're my girlfriend i shouldn't even have to ask"
"you're fucking sick Maya"

Renée said in disbelief before grabbing her phone and keys making her way out making sure to slam the door.

Lilah was playing pool against Towa on imessages before a knock was heard at her door.

She quickly got up and opened it being met with a teary eyed blonde
The blonde dropped her things and wrapped her arms around the brunette sobbing into her shoulder
"can i stay here tonight?.... please?"

AN: Maya's pissing me off rn might just cut her off the book 😏
ANYWHO i have a little present for you guys later today DOUBLE UPLOAD TONIGHT
Next week i'll be writting loads as i'll be pretty busy soon and i want you guys to stay in tune with it so let's hope i don't procrastinate 💋💋

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