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"fuck Nae, right there"

Lilah's moans could be heard from across the house as her hands tangled on  Renees blonde locks, her head between Lilah's thigh as she worked her tongue in her core

Renee's hands gripped her thighs keeping them open as Lilah started reaching her peak, Loud moans and grunts slipped out of her lips

"fuck baby"

Lilah spoke as renée watched her back arching reaching her peak as her fingers worked in and out of her before slipping them out completely

A breathless Lilah smiled tiredly down at her girlfriend before biting her lip and pulling her up

Renée leaned down and kissed her soft lips

"i'll run you a bath and get us some food okay?"

Lilah smiled nodding

"alright baby"

Renée kissed her forehead before she got up throwing on the grey shirt that was on the floor and going to the bathroom to run a bath for Lilah

Lilah reached over for her phone opening up instagram and going to her chats

what are you doing today?
Me, zoe and some friends are
doing a escape room

i don't think im doing anything
but idk renée  and i might go out
i'll text you in an hour?

just lmk we won't be there till 5

Alrighty x

Lilah put her phone down as she heard renée come back in before she got up from her bed and wrapped her arms around the taller girl

"i got some stuff i have to do so ill have to leave in about 10 minutes"

Renée spoke making Lilah look at her weird

"i thought we were going out today? you know spend the day together"

Lilah spoke as she gently stroked the back of her neck looking into her favourite pair of blue eyes

Renee's wrapped her arms around the younger girls waist stroking her side

"i know i just.....i have work babe it's not like i can stop it all for us"

She shrugged and Lilah started to feel a little angry

"im not asking you to stop the world renée im just asking for a day with my girlfriend?"

"see now you wanna start an argument"

Lilah had now removed her arms from renée as she picked up a new towel from the closet behind her

"I'm not renée, i just- you know nevermind i love you i hope you have a good work day"

She spoke as she walked past her and started walking to the bathroom before she heard renée

"alright then i'll see you later"

She shook her head annoyed but it wasn't that big of a deal anyways, she's only done it three times now right?

She shut the door behind her and put the towel close by to the bathtub and got in sighing with relaxation

After a nice bath she got up and dried herself as she walked over to her shared closet with renée she heard a two voices downstairs one belonging to her girlfriend and the other to someone she didn't know

she quickly put on a black spaghetti strap tank top and some baggy black joggers paired with her black shoes

she walked downstairs carefully sitting at the top overhearing the conversation

"renée you have no work today just go hang out with Lilah or something we're all on a break"

one of renee's assistant spoke

"no there's gotta be something i have to do"

Renée pleaded making Lilah bite her lip anxiously

"as far as i can see all you have is to go to the office and look at the-"

"yes okay i'll be there"

Renée started grabbing her keys and wallets before heading out the door being followed by her assistant

she turned to lock the door behind her before catching a glimpse of Lilah looking her


"why'd you lie? why are you doing this?"

"doing what baby i just have work...."

"work my ass renée ! you were begging her to do some work for what?"

"i just need to take my mind off things Lilah you wouldn't understand"

Lilah stood up scoffing at her

"yeah, i really wouldn't would i?"

She walked to the bottom of the stairs

"don't worry baby i have some apartment viewings tomorrow so ill be out of your hair by the end of the week"

Renée was left speechless as she walked past her leaving a shocked renée stood by her door

Lilah turned her phone on and texted billie back

send me the address
i'll be there
renee's pissing me off


Lilah shook her head and called billie

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Lilah shook her head and called billie

Hey are you okay?

yeah im fine just a little pissed off

Sorry listen i can come get you now? if you want ofcourse

yeah sure im at renee's if you know where she lives

yeah i do ill see you in five beauty

see you soon bil

Lilah hung up before she took a seat on a beach down the road from renee's not too far so she still sees billie pulling up

what a night this will be.

AN: im so excited for next chapter ill update it later tonight so keep ur eyes pealed 💃💃

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