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Lilah and Renée decided they wanted to visit renee's family once they came back from tour

that set Lilah to a spiral of anxiety especially after her parents reacted the way they did she hasn't been very family oriented lately

Lilah was currently laid in bed playing with renee's hair as Towa got her hair and makeup done and some of the team were getting in and out of the room

"i really wanna go clubbing tonight"
Renée said out of nowhere as she laid between Lilah's thighs

"let's do it"
Towa said from her chair

Renée said looking up as Lilah was distracted,in her own mind

"uh yeah sure"

Renée ran her hands up and down her thighs looking at her worriedly

"what's wrong?"
She asked in a whisper only Lilah could hear

"nothing i just miss being in a non chaotic place"

Lilah said with a laugh making Renée join her

"well tonight we'll be free form it i promise you,after this interview we'll go do something just me and you okay?"

"hey what about me?"
Towa said before Renée grabbed the nearest pillow and threw at her earning a glare from the makeup artist

After Towa finished it was renee's turn to get ready

she sat up not forgetting to give Lilah a sweet kiss before getting in the chair and Lilah went back to her phone

"i'm thinking on moving"
Lilah spoke and saw Towa and renee exchange a look

"to where baby?"

"LA maybe just there's a lot of companies that contacted me after seeing my photos and it's really good deals..."

Renée smiled feeling proud of her girl

"do it baby,you can stay with me until you find the perfect place"
Lilah smiled as she got up from the bed

"thank you my love i'm gonna go get changed i'll be back"
she spoke before leaving to the bathroom

Towa looked over at renée with a smile

"you're whipped for her"

"shut up"

"you totally are and that's really good i'm happy for you nae just don't fuck it up"

Renée nodded before looking at Towa

"i know i fucked up i really didn't mean to Towa"

"Doesn't matter if you meant to or not the fact you did was bad nae just be careful okay?"

Towa walked over squeezing her shoulder comfortably and walking out leaving renée to her own thoughts

Lilah finally finished her makeup and got dressed and as she packed her makeup bag she heard a knock
"it's occupied!"
"it's me"
She heard renée at the other end before going to unlock the door and letting her in

before she could comprehend she was pushed against the door with Renee's hand holding her hips down

"i need you"
Renée spoke as she attached her lips to her neck hungrily

"fuck nae"
Lilah moaned biting her lip as her hand found themselves tangled on renee's hair
tugging on them as she felt her lips on her neck

Renee's fingers hooked on Lilah's jeans as she slowly undid them and pulled them down

Renee attached her lips to Lilah's kissing her and biting her lower lip

She watched as renee started eggging on her knees slowly sliding her her clothes off as she was left with nothing on

She felt exposed but in a really good way which turned her on even more

Renée was quick to attach her lips to Lilah's center earnings low yet loud moans from her lips

"fuck renee!"
Lilah grabbed a handful of her hair tugging on it

Renée worked her tongue in and out of her as her fingers toyed and teased her

She finally looked up seeing how much of a mess lilah was right now

"look at me baby"
Renée spoke before her fingers easily slid into her core

"fuck nae i need you"

She was quick to add another finger earning a lip bite form the younger girl as her lips attached to her again

"im so close oh my god-"
Lilah was cut off as she came all over renee's fingers and mouth and her legs shook slightly

"oh my god"
Renée wiped her lip before slipping her fingers out of her and getting up a tapping her cheek

Renée simply said as Lilah opened her mouth before she felt Renee's wet fingers making her suck on it softly as she made eye contact with her

Renée pulled her fingers away and kissed her softly

"i love you"

Lilah smiled with a red tint spreading across her face

"i love you too-"

"can you two quit fucking we have to leave!"

Towa shouted as she entered the bedroom knocking on the bathroom door

The pair shared a laughed as renée grabbed Lilah's jeans and tank top and fixed herself int he mirror

"Hi everyone i'm here with the one and only Renée Rapp and Towa Bird! thank you both so much for being here today!"
The interviewer said as Renée took her eyes off of Lilah who was sitting behind all the cameras

"thanks for having us!"
Towa spoke as she sat on a sofa with renée ,the interviewer just opposite to them

"so we have a couple questions to ask you guys but there is a burning one which everyone has been dying to know"

Renée looked at Towa before laughing not knowing what everyone wants to know

"is it true you guys are in a relationship?"
The interviewer asked as Lilah giggled to herself before renée spoke up

"why do people think that-"

She was cut off by Towa speaking
"yeah we are,we just didn't want to put it out to the public just yet"

Renée looked at her with a confused look as she felt Towas arm around her shoulders

AN: you lot need to go watch some PH the way you always want smut😭😭 but there you go cuties i might update a couple more chapters within the next two days!
also check out True Blue new chapter out for those who asked 💋💋💋

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