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Lilah got out of bed eventually after Towa had to literally drag her out before she started getting ready.

As she got ready all she could think about is the possibilities of that dream ever becoming true.

She put on a simple white tank top and jorts along with her black converse, she didn't want to do too much as she would be running around all day today.

"Nae is asking if we want to get smoothies with her and Maya?" Towa asked as she decided to stay around until Lilah got ready
"uhm sure why not"

Towa looked at Lilah through the mirror as she put her mascara on
"you don't like her do you?"
"i don't like who?"
Lilah thought for a second

"not really she was annoying when i was working but i don't know her so..."
Lilah tried to word it as best as possible
"what do you mean annoying you?"
"well remember two shows ago when you and Renée wouldn't stop laughing at that sign?"
Towa thought for a second before nodding
"well she shoved her way in to where i was taking pictures from she just stayed in my way and wouldn't move when i asked to"
Lilah shrugged
"not that big of a deal though but why don't you like her? i mean she's dating your best friend no?"

Towa looked over at Lilah
"It's not my place to say Lia but hopefully Nae tells you soon" She said getting up from the bed she was sitting on
"come on i'm starving"
a laughing Lilah finished putting her hair up in a ponytail before following Towa out the room.

"this place is so good,babe let's take a picture here" Maya,Renée,Towa and Lilah were all walking around the city and they ended up at this cute smoothie shop but it took them a hour just to walk there because Maya wouldn't stop taking pictures with Renée

"babe no it's fine i just wanna-"
Maya shoved her phone towards Lilah
"take it for us Lilah,it's your job anyways"
Towa looked between Nae and Lilah before shaking her head and grabbing the phone from Lilah giving it back to Maya
"see that's what we're NOT gonna do"

Towa looked down at Maya considering she was shorter than her
"why? it's just a picture?" Maya asked challenging her
"i've had enough of your shit Maya no one wants you here" Lilah was taken back by the sudden change in Towa but knowing she only meant well.
Towa exchanged a look with both Lilah and Renée, who were both looking down at the ground

Towa grabbed Lilah's hand leading them inside the smoothie shop
"i'm sorry about her she's insufferable let's take these to go and leave"
Lilah looked up at Towa
"we can't leave Renée with her"
Towa looked back seeing the pair arguing outside just before Renée walked in not seeing Maya behind her like usual

"where did she go?"
"i told her to go back,Lilah im so sorry about her"
Lilah shook her head looking at her
"it's okay don't worry about it"

"Order for Towa?!"

Towa walked over picking up our three drinks handing Renée hers making her look confused
"i knew she'd go back anyways"

As they turned around to walk out a girl that looked about 14 walked over to them smiling ear to ear
"oh my god you're Renée Rapp?"
Renée looked at the girl smiling at her
"I am hi cutie how are you?"
The girl seemed to be a huge fan considering she was wearing her merch
"i'm so good! i love your music so much!"
"awh thank you baby i really appreciate it"
"do you mind if we get a picture?"
She asked sweetly before Lilah stepped in
"i'll take it,here stand by this wall"
The pair stood by a wall filled with different art works and smiled brightly
"looks great!"

"she was such a cutie" Lilah said sipping on her smoothie
As they started to walk around people started recognising Renée and Towa so they just ended up taking a uber to the stadium a little early

"You're cheating!"
"Am not!"
"yes you are!"
The trio ended up in the green room playing  uno and Renée was currently winning
Towa laughed at Lilah and Renée arguing before she got up
"i gotta go grab my stuff from the hotel do yous want me to get anything?"
The pair shook their heads in unison
"it's okay do you want me to come?"
Lilah asked
"no it's alright i'll only be a couple minutes"

After Towa left the two stayed behind and continued talking until the show was about to start
"i don't mean to overstep anything but, is everything okay with maya?"
"yeah she just sometimes takes it too far..."
"if that's a constant thing you should maybe talk to her"
Renée ran her hands through her hair anxiously before looking at her
"it's not that easy but thank you for caring baby"
she said as she got up
"Why though?"
Renée turned to look back at her confused

"what is actually going on between you two?"
"Lia just leave it okay?-"
"no dude your my friend and i'm getting worried" Lilah looked at her worriedly
"Lilah just leave it"
Adam walked into the room seeing the pair before turning to Renée
"hey girls, Renée we need you for a mic check in five"

Lilah smiled over as well as Renée before he disappeared out the room and They looked at each other.

Renée walked over to Lilah looking into her eyes making the brunette feel slightly intimidated because of the slightly height difference as well as the way she was looking at her
"I feel stuck right now lia and i'll figure it out on my own just trust me okay?"
Renée said looking straight at the shorter girl speaking in full truthfulness
"i trust you Renée im just worried"

The blonde took the girls hands into her own
"i'll be fine baby"
If Lilah could melt right now would be the right time she would, the closeness made Lilah completely forget how to speak

Before a word could be spoke a knock was heard at the room making the pair jump apart
"i should go"
"yeah im gonna get my stuff"
they said at the same time making them smile

"i'll see you out there?"
"of course baby"
Renée walked over giving her a short hug before she walked out

Lilah was again met with Maya staying where she previously was at the show making a mental note to not go that way

"you should really know your place Lilah"
Lilah's head turned giving her a raised eyebrow
"excuse me?"
"i see the way you look at her,just give up before-"
"before what Maya?"
Lilah looked at her having had enough of her
"before i do something you'll regret"

"dude she doesn't even fucking want to be with you!"

The pair started to get more and more heated with each other before security saw and took maya away
"watch your back bitch!"

Lilah rolled her eyes before going back to doing her work

The concert went great and Lilah was making her way back to the green room to back up her photos into her laptop before she felt someone shove her

"i told you to mind your fucking business"
Lilah turned grabbing her wrist
"get your hands off me dude"
Maya scoffed before almost lunging at her
"your only doing this job so you can get with her well guess what? she already thinks i'm in love with her"

Lilah looked at her confused
"thinks? what?"
"bitch don't be dumb you know i only want followers" she said almost proud of herself smiling
Not even a second later Lilah clenched her right fist and swung at her face
"i've had enough of you stay out of my fucking way"
Security had seen the incident and him being Renée's personal security as well as having witnessed all their encounters he let Lilah be for a while before walking over and having some escort Maya out

"everything okay miss?" he asked Lilah
"yeah i'm okay someone just needed to put her in place"
He chuckled before nodding
"Renée is still in the green room if you  are looking for her"
she said with a smile walking back

AN:little present after the dream stunt i pulled love you all lmk what side you guys think Renée will be on when she finds out🗯️🗯️💋

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