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Can we talk?
come to my room if you do.

Lilah reached for her phone viewing the message before pausing the film she was watching.
she took a second before texting james and addie


guys look what Renée just texted....
*one attachment*

ooooo she wants you so bad

doesn't she have a girlfriend


 Lilah no she doesn't "want me"idk what she wants to talk about thoughshould i ask?

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no she doesn't "want me"
idk what she wants to talk about though
should i ask?

bitch just go!

just go over i'm sure it's nothing


Lilah decided if she doesn't get up and go renée would come to her room.
She stood up grabbing her hoodie and quickly zipping it up before making her way down the hallway.
Three knocks was all it took until her brown eyes met the blue ones she had been avoiding.
"hi" Lilah said looking at her
"hey come in" Renée moved out of the way letting Lilah walk in and stand awkwardly in the room
"i just don't wanna have this weird relationship before we travel around the world and i really think you're cool and i wanna be friends." Renée said looking over at Lilah who was trying to understand all she just heard.
"oh uhm yeah sure we're friends"
"sure? what do you mean sure babe?"
"i mean yeah we're good and again im sorry for the k-"
"it's fine.really let's just move on okay?"
Lilah agreed nodding her head before Renée pulled her into a hug
"thank fuck because i wanna watch that new wonka film you wanna join me?"
Lilah remembered last time they watch a film before laughing
"why not"

Renée ended up falling asleep two minutes after it started and left Lilah to contemplate if she should get up and go or stay until she wakes up.

Lilah took a glance down at the Blonde,wrapped up in her blanket and thought what would have happened if that dinner never happened? or if she never had a gir-


She turned and saw Renée stirring in her sleep
"yeah?" Lilah said a little too loud for Renée's liking
"too loud,can you turn the tv off?"
"yeah sure one sec"

Lilah got up from the bed trying to find the control for the tv whilst the blonde fell back asleep. She eventually found it next to her phone on the table,she turned the tv off and as she went to place the control back down she saw Renée's phone light up with a message.

should she look?
maybe it's important?
maybe it's just her friend.
or maybe work?
she decided against the odds and took a peak


Tomorrow maya will be
joining  tour to stay with renée.

make sure she is accommodated
with her please.

maya?who is that?
probably just someone from her team,but why does she need to stay with her?
Lilah looked up seeing Renée peacefully sleep before she dipped back into her own room.

"alright everyone let's get this last rehearsal going! Renée back to hair and makeup!"
We have been at this arena for five hours now and only done one rehearsal and everyone was TIRED

"Lilah can you come?"

Lilah looked up from her camera before nodding and joking the blonde backstage
"i'm so excited to see all the pictures for tonight is everyone okay?"

Renée looked at a puzzled looking Lilah

"yeah im good sorry just thinking"

"thinking about what?"

"nothing just work continue"

"no im just saying im excited to just start these first few shows and then we....."

Renée kept talking about how excited she was and meanwhile Lilah was staring at the girls admiring those blue eyes.

has she ever mentioned how blue they were?

and her rosy cheeks?
oh my god
her smile too?
no she couldn't be looking at her like that.
it would only hurt her.

"before that we need you to sign a contract."

Lilah's head turns to Adam, her manager, and grabs the stack of papers having a flick through it.

.You have the right to object to the process of personal information.
.You agree that you will follow all rules after signed.
.You have the right to bring ONE assistant depending on management.

all boring things until she flicked towards the end of papers

.You will have a strict work relationship with company and artist.

Lilah furrowed her eyebrows before shaking her head and chuckling, she reached over and grabbed the black pen going to the last pages and signing it

———End of flashback———

"Lilah?dude you gotta stop zoning out"
A laughing Renée said
"sorry i probably didn't sleep much yesterday"
"it's okay baby make sure you get sleep tonight yeah?"

she winked over at Lilah before she turned on her heel making her way to get her costume for snow angel.

She came out wearing her all white outfit which made everyone stop and admire
"it's looks great"

Renée looked up coming an eyebrow
"great? you look so good baby"

Lilah turned from her seat confused at the familiar voice before she was met with the same brunette at the dinner.

"Maya! what are you doing here?"

AN:Little questions how do you guys feel about doing renée and lilah's POV instead of the general way i'm writting?? it could add a little drama but just want some opinions💋
hope everyone's good and all THANK YOU FOR 4 k READS

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