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It was the morning after the events and Lilah woke up feeling sick.

no she's not pregnant she wishes, the aftermath of last nights events had gotten to her as she saw both girls laying sound asleep by her sides

she managed to wiggle out of bed and make her way to the bathroom at her to the bedroom and opened the toilet lid throwing up

the guilt of kissing billie and not telling renée, how a perfect relationship turned out so messy, not having her family or friends around to support her in person.

All these things started crashing down on her making her sick to her stomach

after wiping her mouth she got up and flushed the toilet and grabbed her toothbrush squeezing the toothpaste and brushing her teeth

her plan was to call a emergency moving company and leave without seeing either girls

she finished up in the bathroom and walked back into the bedroom quickly grabbing her phone and heading downstairs where she called the service and they said it would take 20 minutes to be there

she had to make sure all the boxes she needed were outside so they just picked them up so she started moving them

with every box she moved the more her emotions started feeling heavier and heavier

like her heart dropped as she put down each box

what did this mean for her and renée and their relationship?
what did this mean for her and billie and their friendship?
what did this mean for herself and her career?

after all she was working for renée.

from work to relationship and friendships she knew she had a lot to handle once she had arrived at her house

After a short while of waiting outside she heard the front door open and shut as she sat on top of one of the many boxes she saw a tired billie walk out

her stomach dropped as they made eye contact and she walked over


"let's uhm just forget it please"

she begged not meeting her eyes

Billie looked at her seeing how sickly she looked, pale skin, hair not done and the bags under her eyes which weren't new but added to her look

"yeah sure, do you need a hand?"

Lilah shook her head no with a lip tight smile

"it's okay i got it"

"this doesn't mean we can't be friends lilah, im still here for you nothing weird about between us okay?"

Lilah smiled at her sweet tone

"yeah,thanks bil"

the dark haired girl smiled over to Lilah before setting off towards where her car was parked


Lilah spoke up as she got up from where she sat and rushed over to her

"i uhm probably will have a house warming party i really want you there, bring your friends this friday"

she spoke with a smile in hopes that this would fix everything

"i'll be there"

Billie spoke softly back with a smile before getting in her car and driving away

Hours later and Lilah had finally settled into her home,some boxes still unpacked but as she bought the house with most of the furniture in she didn't have to buy much

she now had to find herself a job after her contract with renée finishes the be did this month

the cafe down the road are hiring maybe that will get me through until i find something she thought

a piercing ringing ran through the house until she realised it was renée calling her


"hey you left"

"yeah i wasn't feeling well and thought i'd just go..."

"is everything okay? why'd you sound so weird?"

"well everything yesterday was a bit much..."

"everything yesterday? what happened yesterday?"

"not funny renée"

Lilah spoke with a chuckle

"Lilah what are you talking about?"

"wait you're serious? what do you mean? you don't remember?"

"are you pulling a prank on me?"

"no...i gotta go nae-"

"no please what did i do? did i say something-"

"we hooked up!"

"that's nothing bad lia..."

"renée we had a threesome with Billie, that's worse"


"how do you not remember this?! you initiated it!!"

Lilah heard her heavy sigh at the other end of the line

"please tell me this is a joke"

"i wish"

All she heard next was the call turning off

but what confused her the most is how did she not remember a single thing?

An: hey guys i've been getting so so busy with work i can't even get more chapters quicker so they'll look shorter but i promise they'll come out soon enough !


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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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