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"wanna get some food? we can get to know each other..."

Laughs were heard from across the coffee shop, Renée and Lilah decided that getting to know each other might be better then getting on a bus for weeks not knowing each others name

"dude i promise!" Lilah says laughing with a smile plastered on her face that doesn't seem to be fading away anytime soon.

"how did you think gluing your camera would be helpful"
A laughing Renée says "i don't know kids minds work in weird ways"

Lilah took a sip from her coffee looking outside seeing the once sunny day turning cloudy like it was about to rain.
She quickly grabbed her phone seeing two missed called from James and a text

SOS at Addies right now!

Lilah looked up grabbing her keys and shoving it into her bag
"I'm so sorry somethings happened with my best friend but i'll call you!"

Renée sat there amused and slightly shocked not having the time to say anything before the brown eyed girl had rushed out of the shop.

With a smile playing on her face she sat back on her seat going on her phone to text her manager.

Lilah rushed out of the and started knocking repeatedly at her best friends door.

"Addie!! James!!"

James swiftly opened the door looking confused

"girl what is all this shouting for?"

Lilah walked into the apartment confused seeing as James looked fine and so did Addie,who was sitting on her kitchen counter having her subway.

"you texted 'SOS' what happened?"

James shared a look with Addie before both of them couldn't contain it anymore and busted out laughing.
A frustrated Lilah was standing in between her two best friends with her arms now crossed

"maybe i shouldn't have said SOS it was just Addie's back with sam"

Lilah looked between both of them before setting her bag down and looking straight at Addie
silence soon fell in the apartment as they just realised what he said
"why would you go back to him? all he did was cheat and use you addie..."
a disappointed yet concerned looking Lilah said

A couple months ago Addie started dating this guy,Sam, he was super sweet to her and was her dream guy on every aspect.
When they finally started dating,he just thought he didn't need to try as much since he had already 'bagged her'.
later on the line Lilah went clubbing and found him cheating on Addie leaving Lilah to confront him and getting him kicked out of the club.
This happened two more times until Addie finally came to her senses and broke it off.

"i love him Lilah just let me be h-"

"No Addie! he's a lying piece of shit who doesn't even know how to wipe his own ass!"

Tension started building as James knew where this might go

"Why can't you just be fucking happy for me! he makes me happy lia!"

"Dude the literally fucked you over so many times?!"

as Lilah and Addies argument continued to get uglier and uglier James spoke up

"Can you two chill?! fucking god you're both annoying"

"Fine,but i'm out i don't wanna hear from you lia" Addie says frustrated looking her dead in the eye

a surprised looking Lilah is caught looking at Addie
"what do you mean...? i'm trying to hel-"

"not all of us have a perfect little life! he's all i have my parents don't care about me dude! just go..."

Lilah and James were left speechless as James gathered both his stuff and Lilah's
grabbing her hand gently

"come on let's go lia"

Lilah was sat at her desk looking intensely out her window as she had her notebook in front of her, all she could think about was the fight she had with Addie earlier.

She didn't have a perfect life at all,
but that didn't stop her from pretending she did. No one does have a perfect life and understandably some people have it harder than others but why did addie feel the need to go so low with her?

Lilah rubbed her face as she leaned back on her chair before she sees her phone go off

how can you call me later
when i didn't get your number?

Lilah looked confused before realising it was probably Renée since she rushed out of the coffee shop her mind has been everywhere but to her



LilahLmao sorry i had a chaotic evening  to say the least

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Lmao sorry i had a chaotic
evening  to say the least.

Wanna talk about it?

it's okay don't wanna
bug you about it

you could never

i should head to bed we have a meeting early in the morning

sure goodnight babe

Goodnight Renée

Lilah set her phone down before getting out of her chair and changing into a cozy hoodie and joggers set dreading the early morning she will have tomorrow.

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