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After last nights events Lilah's mood was at a all time high

she stayed behind whilst the rest of the team were already downstairs for breakfast

Calling James

"this better be good it's three in the morning Lilah."

"Oh shit sorry i forgot about time zones"

"it's fine what's up?"


"no you didn't."

"she stayed the night here and we didn't get one blink of sleep"

"you fucked?!"

"maybe....yeah we did"


"well we just-"

A knock was heard at her door

"hold on"

Lilah put her phone down and opened the door being met with the blonde
"i got worried you didn't come down"
Lilah smiled softly

"let me call you later james,i'll text you the rest"

"you better girl."

Lilah chuckled softly before putting her phone in her pocket

"missed me?"
She teased making the blonde smile
"maybe i did, hurry up get dressed i wanna have some food"
"you didn't eat yet?"
Lilah asked as she walked back inside as well as Renée to change her clothes
"no i was waiting on you"

Lilah smiled at the thought of her waiting on her to have breakfast which was cute

she quickly changed into a baggy pair of jeans, grey jumper and her converse before putting her hair in a low ponytail along with her glasses

"you wear glasses?" Renée asked walking over admiring her
"i know i should use it more but i don't like it"
Renée shook her head before reaching over and stroking her cheek softly
"i think you look perfect Lilah,the glasses are very cute"

Lilah took a mental note of that,just like she has for all the things Renée told her she likes

The blonde reached over,wrapping her hand around the brunette's neck and bringing her down for a kiss which surprised Lilah for a second before she quickly kissing her back

The kiss started off sweet and short leaving Lilah to pull away smiling up at her before Renée tangled her fingers in her hand tugging on her ponytail exposing her neck making her lean in and leave open mouth kisses slowly trailing down from her jaw to her neck

"Nae we're gonna be late-"

"did i tell you to speak?"

Renée stopped what she was doing and looked at Lilah who was looking straight back with her lower lip between her teeth in absolute silence

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