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"baby....babe wake up we're here"
Renée nudged Lilah slightly as she kissed her head

They had flown back to LA after some drinks at the hotel and ended up on the same plane as billie and her friends

They all made a groupchat to keep in touch with the latest festivals for them to go on

Lilah stores in her sleep before she woke up and zipped up her hoodie getting up and following Renée

she interlocked her hands with renee's and grabbed her arm still half asleep letting her lead the way

"you okay?"
Renée whispered as she felt the brunette clung onto her arm
"yeah just tired"
Renée smiled kissing her head before heading to the exit of the airport

There were some fans waiting at the exit and they heard screams shouting for renée and Towa

Lilah looked at renée before smiling over
"go talk to them i'll be in the car"
Renée smiled as she held her face in her hands and kissed her softly
earning gasps and shouts from the crowd of fans

Renée walked over to the fans smiling
"hi guys"
"renée was that your girlfriend??!"
"she's so hot"
"doesn't she work with you??"

Towa looked at renée laughing shaking her head
"they are cute right?"
Renée slapped her arm playfully before backing away
"alright i'll see you guys soon,get home safe"

renée made her way back to the car being escorted by her security

After a quick car ride Renée and Lilah were the last to be dropped off at Renee's house

"thanks guys i'll see you tomorrow morning"
she waved off her assistant and stylist

Renée grabbed the luggage and made her way inside with Lilah tailing behind

"i gotta go to the office and talk to new management do you wanna come?"

Renée asked putting the bags
down and wrapping her arms around the sleepy brunette

"can we sleep a little before?"

Lilah asked as she rested her head on her shoulder

"you can nap for like twenty minutes?"

She smiled before leaning up and kissing her softly

"i love you"

"i love you more baby,go sleep my room is just up the stairs"

Lilah didn't take a second before dashing up the stairs earning a laugh from renée before her phone started ringing with the name MAYA flashing


"what do you want maya"

"i just really need you right now"

"and i couldn't care less"

"no renée please! my grandma just died i really need you"

she started crying and renée rolled her eyes

"sorry to hear that but im not your girlfriend or friend"

"you are the last person i have"

"you don't "have" me Maya"

"renée please,i can't do this anymore im tired i have no one"

"no now if you excuse me i have a girlfriend to attend to"

"moved on that fast?"

renée scoffed

"look im sorry about your grandma but i can't do shit now stop calling me"

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