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"You did what?!"
Renée was currently in the bathroom as Lilah was telling Towa what had just happened.
"she had it coming,plus you don't even like her either"
"no i don't care about that are you okay?"
She asked worriedly looking at her hands before grabbing them
"yeah im fine,she's not though" Lilah said with a laugh.

The pair sat down on the sofa waiting for Renée to come back in
"should i tell her?"
"tell who what?" Renée spoke as she walked into the room
"don't get mad" Lilah said in worried she would one be fired and two she would hate her

"why would i be mad? what did you do?"
Renée waked over to the drink table picking up a water bottle
"well at the show Maya kept saying that i have to watch myself and be careful so when i was coming here she shoved me and said some stuff i got mad about so i punched her?" Lilah said coming out as almost a question rather than a statement.

Renée looked over at her in complete shock as she was not expecting this to happen
"you punched Maya?"
Towa looked between them watching as Lilah nodded
Before she could say anything else Maya walked in with a ice bag to her cheek where Lilah had punched her

"seriously? your fucking talking to her after she punched me?!"
Maya shouted at Renée making Towa stand up
"Get out" Towa said in a stern tone
"Renée let's go" Maya grabbed her arm before Renée yanked her wrist away
"stop being dumb and let's go"
"you did not just say that to me"
Renée looked at her with a knowing smirk,she was pissed to say the least.

"get the fuck out of here you fucking bitch"
Maya looked at her shaking her head
"I'm done,this" she pouted between them both
"this is done i can't anymore,you won't disrespect me and my fucking friends so get the fuck out of here before i do something worse than just a punch on that ugly ass face"
Renée said getting all up in her face making Towa and Lilah stand there with their jaws to the floor

"you know you can't do that"
"oh bitch watch me now if you're not out of this room in five seconds i'll make you get out"
Towa stepped in standing next to her
"now you wanna get out?"
Maya looked between both of them as her face went red out of embarrassment before storming out of the room

Lilah started grabbing her stuff not sure if she should stay before she heard Renée
"wait,Towa can you give us a second please?"
Towa nodded grabbing her phone walking out
"i'm really sorry Renée i didn't mean for it to escalate-"
"Lilah stop,sit down"
Lilah,like any sane person, sat down looking up at her
"i'm not mad,i'm actually glad someone did something before i did"

Renée walked over sitting next to the brunette
"she told me she thinks you love her and she has you hooked but she doesn't love you and is using you for fame-"
"breathe, i know"
Renée chuckles looking at the brunette stressing
"sorry" she said taking a breath
"it's okay baby,she didn't mean much to me"
Lilah looked at her confused
"it was all set up by our management,Adam my manager didn't want to take the deal but some complications happened that made us have to to i guess it was sort of a pr stunt but she's been paying her 'team' to get her more fame"

Lilah listened in to what she was telling her attentively
"so why didn't you end things?"
"it's not as easy but now it's gotten to the point if i want to end it i can"
Renée shrugged looking back at Lilah
"now can we please go get some food and watch a movie?"
Lilah smiled leaning over and hugging her
"let's go watch a horror film i'll ask Towa to come too"

"no we're NOT watching a horror"
Lilah looked over at her with a smirk
"are you scared? is THE Renée Rapp scared of a horror film?"
Lilah looked at her seeing so quiet making her burst out laughing
"shut up!"
Renée grabbed a stuffed baguette someone in the audience had given her making Lilah catch it

Towa,Lilah and Renée were all cuddles up undercover watching wrong turn 1.
Towa seemed to be finding it hilarious as well as Lilah but Renée wasn't having so much fun

"just watch it Nae it's so funny"
Towa said eating some of the popcorn as Lilah leaned her head on Towa's shoulder
"no why are they even hiding there it's so dumb"
The trio all stayed quiet as the character on the screen was getting closer and closer to being found before Towa shouted
Both Lilah and Renée screamed making Towa throw her head back laughing

Lilah looked over at Renée,the pair smirked and each grabbed a pillow before attaching Towa
"no! stop! two hot girls are attaching me!"
The night continued as they decided to sleep in the same room watching movies and enjoying each others company.

AN: cute little short chapter also i'll try and update this book as much as possible! i've made a plan and im so excited 🤭💋💋

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