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Lilah has been sleeping in her own room for the past two shows

all she has done is go to the show five minutes prior,taking her photos and editing back at the hotel

She has been avoiding breakfast and dinner and every time renée comes knocking at her door she asks her to leave

Today her dad had called saying her mum had been hospitalised and it was the last day they would be in london before heading to germany

She was currently getting ready to go to the show before she heard three knocks at her door

she quickly got up and was met by the blonde she has been trying to avoid

"Lilah please"

she put her foot between the door to stop her from closing it

"renée please i can't do this right now"

"i just want to explain-"

"renée explain what?! that you kissed that woman and what??"

Renée sighed and looks at her after a couple of seconds of silence Lilah opened her door without saying a word and let renée walk in before closing it

She waked over to her bed and sat at the end of it looking anywhere but towards Renée

"i'm sorry Lilah i fucked up i really did and i was so mad at Adam and how he's trying to fire you that i drank way more than i could handle and-"

Renée stopped before she looked up and saw Lilah sitting there not saying a word and looking down feeling disappointed in herself

she walked over slowly and crouched down making her look at her


Lilah said looking the other way and getting up from the bed

"you can't just waltz here and say i'm sorry that won't fix it renée that really hurt me"

Lilah said as she walked to the chair by the window

Renée watched Lilah with a heavy heart

"i know...i promise Lilah i will do anything to make you believe im sorry"

Lilah chuckled at the sentence making her remember how her ex had begged to stay with her

"Renée sit down"


"sit down jane"

Renée sat down on the sofa opposite to Lilah and looked over at her

"i love you, i forgive you but if i hear or see you did something like this or worse i won't forgive so easily or ever"

Renée nodded smiling over at her girlfriend


Lilah gave her a knowing look

"yes but only if you order me some food"

Renée chuckled as she quickly got up and rushed over to Lilah grabbing her chin and kissing her softly

Lilah smiled into the kiss before she wrapped her hand around renee's neck pulling her in closer

Renée leaned over and straddled Lilah before pulling away with a smirk as Lilah admired her swollen lips

"fuck you're so hot"

Renée mumbled onto Lilah's lips before leaning close to her ear whispering

"i missed you so bad"

Renee's hand trailed down from her neck down to her stomach giving Lilah chills and goosebumps all over her body


Lilah whispered in desperation earning a grin from renée

"what baby"

"i need you"


"fuck i missed that"

renée said turning over still catching her breath after how many rounds they had just had

Lilah smiled and she wrapped her arms around the blonde and kissed her shoulder

"i love everything about you"

Lilah looked at her admiring all the little details she had before kissing her nose making renée laugh

"i'm so jealous of you ugh"

Lilah groaned before renée reached over and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl


"you're just so perfect in every way possible i wanna be with you and be you"

Lilah said as her eyes shut being tired

"shut up you're perfect baby"

Lilah smiled finally feeling at peace and not having a constant cloud of guilt following her around

AN:short chapter sorry to disappoint guys BUT i have a better chapter to upload soon and trust you'll love it so much so much has been happening lately so i haven't had time to update but all back in track now!
Love you all xx

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