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"can we go please?"

The pair walked into their hotel room after a worried renée held her crying girlfriend the entire car ride home.

"baby can you talk to me?"
Renée said as she walked back over to Lilah who was putting a shirt on
"my mum doesn't approve that i'm gay"
Renée looked at her apologetically before Lilah raised a finger
"no no i don't want you to feel sorry it's fine"

Renée continued to look at her
"i'm not im just disappointed she doesn't, i mean you two are so close-"
"were,were close"
Lilah said as she walks over to renée and wrapped her arms around her waist
"can we just not talk about it?"
Renée simply obliged and nodded not wanting to upset the younger girl

Renée leaned over leaving soft kissed on her exposed shoulder as she felt Lilah's head rest on the crook of her neck sighing softly as she felt the soft kisses trailing up to her neck and up to her lips making her smile

"let's go out for dinner hm?"
Renée mumbled against Lilah's lips which earned a nod form her
"let me just shower and we can go"
Renée grinned biting her lip and Lilah gave her a look
"no we're gong for dinner miss renée"

renée chuckled and put her hands up in defence
"i didn't say anything but okay"
Lilah smiled and grabbed her towel walking over to the bathroom and closing the door

After some time the two were getting seated at this not too crowed,dimly lit candles were on each table and some very low jazz music playing.

Lilah reached her hand over holding renee's as she watched the famous smile the blonde had on her face
"you look so good"
Lilah said with a light blush covering her cheeks
"you look beautiful baby"
Renée said as she looked at the girl sitting across from her admiring every little detail about her

"hi i'll be your waitress today my name is Jules what can i get started for you?"
Lilah looked at the menu vaguely before she looked at her
"i'll take the carbonara please,same for my girlfriend"
Renée smiled as she had previously told Lilah what she wanted and found it cute how she ordered for the both of them
"alrighty i'll be just a second,any drinks?"

"can we have two glasses or white wine please?"
"right up"
Renée smiled and thanked the waitress and put all her attention back on the brunette
She looked up with a smile
"i love you"
Lilah looked over at renée with a smile growing on her face

truth is Lilah knew she had fallen in love with the blonde some days ago,every little thing renée did for her made her heart full and made her realise she made the right choice with her

She watched as she saw renée panick before she squeezed her hand comfortingly
"i love you too Renée"

Renée looked at her like she was the only girl in the entire world with a smile that she couldn't contain before she reached over, Lilah meeting her in the middle sharing a sweet innocent kiss

After five glasses of wine the two decided to head to a nearby park Lilah used to go to with her siblings all the time and now we're seated on the swings
The silence between them never was awkward or annoying,it was very comforting to the both of them and relaxing knowing they didn't have to talk all the time

Lilah was swinging softly before she came to a full stop and saw a mother a little far away from them at the slides with her younger daughter, she watched as the little girl ran around with her hands in the air and her mum chasing her

soft giggled could be heard all around the park considering it was pretty empty and the sun was starting to set, tears started to well up in Lilah's eyes as she thought of what her relationship with her mother now would be like.

She thought her mother would be fine with this,not that she needed or wanted her permission to be who she is but rather because she is the person she would go to for everything and her comfort person.

Renée stopped swinging once she saw Lilah's head lean against the chain holding the swing
"are you okay?"

Lilah took a little while as she watched the mother pick up her daughter and give her a squeeze before they started to leave the park

"my mum is sick..."
Renée looked at her worriedly but decided to not panick
"what do you mean baby?"
"remember when i stopped talking to my family?"
Lilah turned and watched as Renée nodded

"she had a stroke the last time i spoke to Calum and i was really anxious and scared about it and i didn't call them for a couple days,days turned to week and now we're here"
Renée leaned over and grabbed her hand caressing the back of it gently

"will she be okay?"
Renée watched as Lilah looked at her feet
"doctors said she won't ever get better just worse day by day until she's fully unable to do anything"
Renee stood up from her swing and grabbed Lilah's hand pulling her up with her and looked at her

"i'm sorry baby you know you can always talk to me"
She said putting a strand of hair behind the youngers ear
"i know i just don't want to burden you,you're always pretty busy with work-"
"you are more important Lilah,if stop anything if it means you only bruised your left toe"
She said with a laughter shortly followed by Lilah laughing too

"my toe?"
"even your toe"
Lilah smiled and shook her head
"if you want to go back home and quit your work and spend time with your family you tell me okay?"
Lilah nodded
"i won't but thank you i really appreciate that"
Renée leaned over kissing her forehead before holding her close for a moment

Lilah leaned her head on her chest and listened to her heart beating which always calmed her down

"come on it's late im sure they are waiting for us"

AN: cute little chapter i love the soft sweet moments between them ill also be uploading True Blue so please check that out!!
Love you all 💋💋💋

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