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AN: decided to be nice and give you one last smut chapter for a little while don't worry they'll be back i just can't write them 😭

Lilah woke up with a banging headache

As she woke up she felt secure arms wrapped around her waist,she turned only to be met with a sleeping renée making her smile and admire her for a minute

from her pink lips to her cheeks to her eyelashes that she was so jealous of,her eyes bows and cute nose

she was lost in a trance before she could figure out she woke up she was met with her favourite blue eyes making her smile

"goodmorning sleepy"
Renée simply cupped the girl closer wrapping her arms tighter and groaning

she wasn't a morning person
especially after yesterday's event.

Lilah reached over as she played with her hair softly leaving her to wake up on her own time

After some time renée slowly woke up
"goodmorning baby"
she said in a very sleepy tone making Lilah chuckle
"wanna go down and get some food? i'm starving"
renée looked at the girl with a smile before reaching over and kissing her slowly

the kiss was slow and passionate,the pair getting lost in each others touch,hands moving and bodies tangled in the sheets

renee was the one to pull away with a smile
"come on"
she said before Lilah earned a smack to her ass with a help from her

Renée simply got up from the bed and giggled away grabbing her towel from the chair at the vanity and looking back
"you gonna join me or what?"

Lilah didn't take a second to process before getting up and going after the girl

When Lilah stepped into the shower she looked down admiring her already naked body

Renée grabbed Lilah's chin tilting it up and looking at her for a second
"you're so beautiful"
she took a step forward
"i can't believe you're all mine"
she took another step
"all this for me?"
another step and Lilah's back was met with the shower wall

she looked up at the taller girl biting her lip
"who else would it be for?"
she challenged seeing her blue eyes turn a shade darker
"no one."
Renée traced her hands down the girls body pressing her fingers just where she needed it earning a long loud moans from her

A grinning renée watched how easily she had control as she slipped a finger inside the younger girl making her grab onto renée's shoulder

"you're so wet Lilah"
She said as she slipped yet another finger in her making her bite her lip harder

Rneee reached down to her each whispering
"breathe baby"
Just like that Lilah let out a quiet breath she was holding before feeling her fingers work in her as small moans kept escaping her lips

"fuck renée"
she grabbed her chin and smashed her lips onto reneé's earning a small moans from the taller girl

Their tongues fighting each other for dominance, renée kept working her fingers in her before she started rubbing her slit with her thumb which made her moan louder than before probably making people next door hear and renée took that as a opportunity to slip her tongue in her

The pair continued for a while until renée got on her knees and looked up at Lilah seeing how red and dazed she was already earning a smile from her

she quickly wrapped her hands around Lilah's thighs opening them up more than before and attaching her tongue to her core

Lilah's hand quickly tangled onto the blonde's hair biting her lip and watching her
"fuck baby i'm close"
Renée kept going her tongue working her magic and soon enough Lilah came undone making renée stand back up and kiss her

"how's that for breakfast?" Lilah asked breathlessly earning a smile form renée
"i'd rather you than anything else"

As they walked to their breakfast table, renée saw adam,Towa and some of her closer management sitting at a table

"oh look everyone's there"
Lilah turned to walk to wards them before renée grabbed her arm with her free hand
Lilah looked at her confused
"uhm i just wanna sit with you baby that's all"
She continued to look at the blonde who had a troubled look on her face but ignored it and sat with her a little bit further away from the team

From afar Towa was sat silently at the table
"why can't you just let her be happy?"
she confronted Adam
"that's a conversation between me and Renée Towa don't get in between this please."
"no fuck that! that's my best fucking friend look how happy she looks"

Towa pointed over at the table where rneee sat with Lilah both sharing a laugh

"i haven't seen her this happy since  she met maya and we all know how fucked maya was to her!"

the entire table stood quiet and not a single word was heard from anyone else for two solid minutes.

"fuck this you're all fucked!"
Towa said a a raised voice before smacking her cutlery down and rushing off

Renée watched and sent her a quick message asking if she's okay before going back to Lilah

"what have you got to do today?"
"we'll just packing and we leave for london tonight"
she said with a smile


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