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"you look fine nae stop freaking out,plus you two are literally dating now"

"that doesn't mean i can not look hot"

"you're fine,you look hot"

Renée was currently getting ready for her first date as Lilah's girlfriend with Towa and she couldn't be happier but she wanted everything to be perfect

"now get out of my room and go see her!"
Towa said getting up and shoving her away playfully
"fine fine but let me just-"
"Renée you look beautiful i promise you"
The two exchange a look before breaking into a smile
"thank you Towa"
Renée smiled before walking to Lilah's room down the hallway

Three knocks were heard echoing through Lilah's room as she strapped her heels on
she quickly finished and checked herself in the mirror, she wore a long black dress with a slit on her right thigh along with some silver jewels and white heels

she opened the door and gasped
"oh my god..."
Renée quickly felt slightly cautious of herself
"what do i look bad? i asked towa she kept saying i was fine but-"
She was quickly cut off with Lilah's lips and arms being wrapped around her neck

She was quick to melt into the soft kiss and wrapping her own hands around the younger girls waist

They pulled away slowly and looked into each others eyes

"you look like the most beautiful woman i have ever met renée"
Lilah reached up caressing her cheek softly admiring her bright blue eyes and her bangs which fell perfectly just above her eyebrows

"come on before we stay here and miss our reservation" Renée said grabbing her hand and intertwining them

"i can't believe you did that!"
Lilah laughed softly sitting across from the girl she admired the most
"i promise i did baby"
The pair shared a laughter after Renée told a story about the time she threw a soft toy at a fan after they hit her head with it

"do you miss your family?"
renée asked being careful as she knew the answer
"i do,everyday i miss seeing my little sister and my parents....its life though im sure they're fine"
Lilah looked over with a tight smile

"we'll be in London again soon i promise baby"
she reached over grabbing her hand softly rubbing her knuckles in comfort
"have you spoken to them lately?"
Lilah looked away shaking her head
"why not?"
"no reason just have been enjoying my time here"
she pulled a smile which was obviously fake but renée chose to ignore it and took as a sign she didn't want to talk about it

The pair shared many stories and learned many things about each other which they didn't before.
Lilah was dealing with her own personal issues and emotions but having renée right here in this moment made her feel as if anything could be okay as long as she could hold her hand whilst going through it.

Shortly after they had their main courses Lilah decided to sit next to her and not in front

Renee's hand quickly found its way between Lilah's thighs comfortably as the pair spoke waiting for dessert

"i'm really happy we chose you to work with us"
"i'm happy you chose me"
Lilah smiled before leaning over about to kiss the blonde before the waiter came and gave them the dessert

"ladies let me know if you need anything else"
Renée looked at the young man and nodded
"we will,thank you"

Lilah looked down and saw two scoops of icecream and her name and a heart next to it written in chocolate sauce

she looked up at renée and chuckled
"you did not"
renée smiled seeing she felt relaxed and happy with her
"of course being with me means even cringy things like this baby"
she gently rubbed her thigh comfortingly
before Lilah reached over capturing her lips into her own

"you're the best things i've ever experienced renée"
she leaned over for another kiss before she saw three flashes in their direction making both girls panic
"the fuck was that?"
Lilah asked confused
"paparazzi,fuck adam is gonna be so mad at me..."

Renée quickly asked the waiter from earlier to get the check and paid as quick as they could making their way out and before they knew it was swarmed with paparazzi

"just hold my hand,don't say a thing okay"
Lilah simply nodded both annoyed at the paparazzi but also worried about what this means for them and renee's career

The pair luckily were escorted to the car which took them back in a silent car ride to the hotel

Lilah walked over to the balcony where she saw Renee with a blunt between her lips,worried as she hasn't seen her smoke before she walked outside

Lilah stepped out and closed the balcony door wrapping her arms around the taller girl

"are you okay?"
Renée looked at the view of the city below them before turning of the girl with low eyes
she looked at her for a while before grabbing her cheeks in the palm of her hand and kissing her

The kiss was slow and pure but also had some urgency to it

"i don't want this to end"
Renée whispered between her lips before pulling away looking down at her

Lilah grabbed the blunt taking a bit of her own before coughing making renée laugh

"this won't be over i promise you"
"don't say that"
renée said with a sudden slight anger in her voice
"you can't promise what you don't know baby"
she reached over putting her hair behind her ear
"i'll do anything in power to not let anything between us okay?"
The taller girl now had her arms wrapped around the younger girl as they both looked at the city lights

"i know i trust you nae"

The pair watched as the city lights and the dark blue sky looked beautiful

after a while of admiring the horizon Lilah started getting cold leaving them to go back inside and cuddle until both fell asleep

Renée stayed awake a little more as thoughts ran through her mind before she heard her phone ring

You have to end things with her
it's bad for your imagine
it's breaking her contract
you have two weeks
i'm sorry.

Renee's heart dropped at the message.
she had only started dating the girl she had taking a interest in and finally felt happier than she ever has been

she quickly unwrapped her arms around the younger girl kissing her head before quietly leaving the room

Tears spilled out of her eyes,she quickly wiped them away
She knocked at Towas door,who was asleep, repeatedly until she was met with a sleepy Towa

"renée? what's wrong?"
Without a word she instantly sobbed and rushed over wrapping her arms around the girl

Towa closed the door behind them and hugged her back,rubbing her back trying to calm her sobs
"shh what's wrong nae? please calm down"
Renée couldn't stop crying,all the worries she had were taking over her and the guilt of hiding this from Lilah would hurt her even more.

Renée finally looked up with red eyes, tears still spilling down

"they're making me end things with Lilah for good."

AN: as promised double updates IM SORRY i promise it will be just fine between them.... or will it?👀👀

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