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After last nights event,Lilah locked herself in her hotel room and laid in bed replaying what happened all night.
why did i do that?
what if she hates me?
how can we work now?
will she fire me?
she's a good kisser though...
no i can't do this.
These were just some of the things that was running through her mind as she tossed and turned.
Lilah got up from her bed after receiving a text from the group chat with her friends

lgbtv 📺👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

bitch are you alive???

what she said^^^

what time is it there?

6 am???

guys i'm fine i just got up sorry i didn't message.

oh god

Who woke you up girl

who says i slept?

what happened girl??

Lilah I kissed Renée last night and i ran out

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I kissed Renée last night and i ran out.

Lilah you did not...


LilahI know it was stupid i shouldn't have and i think im gonna get fired

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I know it was stupid i shouldn't have and i think im gonna get fired

Dude you can't just drop a bomb like that on us and dip??

*incoming call from lgbtv📺🏳️‍🌈*

"dude what does that even mean?" James nearly screamed over the phone making a tired Lilah whine
"dUdE shut up it's so early"
She said before getting up from her bed walking straight to the vanity she had set up when they first got here, propping up her phone for a facetime
"what exactly happened?" Addie asked
"well we were having food then decided to get drinks downstairs so we got some bottles and drank in her room,then all of a sudden i'm leaning in and she's kissing me back...." The pair looked at her in shock
"and then i pulled away and ran to my room and i have to face her in like an hour"

Addie looked at the stressed girl "babe you need to chill im sure she won't say anything like you're fired"
"i hope not i actually really like everyone im working with"
A knock was heard at the door
"come in!"
Without a second thought Lila's watched as the blonde from last nights events walked into her room closing the door behind herself
"uhm i'll call you guys later"
"what you didn't finish explaining-"
Lilac was quick to end the call before anything was heard.

"hey" Renée said being careful on what to choose to say
"what happened yesterday was a mistake i'm really sorry i shouldn't have done anything" Lilah quickly rambled not looking into her eyes
"oh uh sure we start rehearsals in an hour if you wanna come" Renée said before grabbing the handle of the door leaving the room hastily

Lilah arrived slightly early as she wanted to test out all the different places she could easily get to once Renée stepped on stage as she glanced down at her plan

It seemed pretty simple as there wasn't much space to work with so she's end up in her last place when she's singing is the wedding song.

The show came around pretty fast and Lilah was sitting making sure all her settings were ready along with making sure to keep some spare batteries on her just in case before she heard Renée come inside making her want to get up and leave.
not because she doesn't like her obviously she does, would you even stay in a room with someone you ran out on after kissing? didn't think so.

"wait" Renée grabbed Lilah's arm making her turn
"we're gonna have to talk about it."
with a heavy sigh Lilah finally met the blue eyes she has been avoiding all day
"there isn't anything to say, again i'm sorry i know you have a girlfriend i shouldn't have done that" Lilah sounded disappointed as she went back to the day she witness the pair kissing at the restaurant
"it's not that Lilah she's not-"
Someone from her team shouted and people starting rushing left and right leaving Lilah to escape from the blonde's trap making her way to the front of the barricade where she started taking picture of the show.
When it came to taking picture it's almost as if the world went silent for Lilah.
She could shut out the world whisky making her art and capturing beautiful moments.
Quickly looking through some of the photos she already took of the crowd,signs and Renée herself she found herself proud of the picture before getting to her last position as she heard the instruments of The Wedding Song starting.
She positioned herself pretty close to the stage as she wanted to get a closer shot before she realised Renée started looking at her direction and that did not stop until the end of the song.
Lilah felt intimidated as she felt she just got sang to by Renée.

"why were you looking at me? you know pictures are better when you don't look"
Lilah said entering Renée's dress room
now changed into grey joggers and jodie matching
"do i have to explain myself?"
Lilah was caught of guard with that response
"uhm no i just-"
"you just like assuming things? oh we know."
Jaw dropped.
Lilah just grabbed her stuff and quickly rushed out to the bus which was parked just outside the back doors
As she walked up the stairs to put her stuff down she saw the blonde was right behind her.
First day of tour and and it feels like everyone hates me.

AN:hey cuties 💋
it's been a couple days i haven't written but i have a plan i've written down with so much drama but trust me they won't hate each other for long 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 anywho i missed you guys how's the class all doing?

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