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Lilah was put on bed rest,not by anyone on their team,not by her nurse but by Renée.

"Lilah you aren't leaving unless you are with me,have you taken your medication?"
Renée spoke as she rumuged as she looked for the painkillers she was prescribed earlier

"nae it's really not that big of a deal it was just a slight concussion-"

Renée gave her a looked before walking over and sitting on the bed close to Lilah

"what's really bothering you nae?"
Lilah asked as she reached for her hand taking it into her own intertwined

"i'm really fucking mad at that girl that did this to you...it's fucked dude"

Lilah chuckled knowing how much she cares warmed her heart

"how about i take you on that date before the show today? would that make you feel a little better?"

Renée looked up like she just got gifted puppies with blistering joy in her eyes

she reached over pecking the younger girls lips
"i'd absolutely love to go on a date with you Lilah"
Lilah smiled kissing her once more
"i missed your lips"
she said between the kisses they shared

Renée reached on slipping her hand down Lilah's thigh reaching higher and higher before she heard a moan escaping the younger girls lips as she applied pressure where she so desperately wanted
"and i missed your cute moans baby"

She retracted her hand before pecking her lips and getting up
"but i have to go im already thirty minutes late so..."

Lilah looked at her annoyed and sexually frustrated
"really renée?"

Renée only smiled before leaving the door not forgetting to close the door behind

Lilah got easily bored staying in the hotel room which made her decide to go get an uber to the venue they would be at today

Upon entering she was grabbed by a security from the venue
"woah miss you can't go in here."
Lilah looked at him a little confused and realised she didn't bring her access badge
"oh sorry i forgot my badge at the hotel-"

"right do you know how many times i hear that? just turn around and leave please"
Lilah chuckles "no no it's not like that im here-"

"look we get it your a fan but you can't come in now leave before i make you."

Lilah was taken back by his response and as she was about to turn back she saw Renee's personal security
"Lilah! good to see you kid you looking for renée?"
he walked over as he looked at the security in between both of them

he grabbed the man's arms setting it down
"is there a problem here?"

"n-no sir she doesn't have a badge so i didn't let her in."

"and told me to leave or you'd make me?"
Lilah said and saw a look at Renee's personal security Dan.

"what? you never and i mean never have that language around anyone. just simply ask for the access badge OR escort them without a word"

The other security looked slightly embarrassed as he looked back at Lilah

"my apologies miss."
"it's okay" she shrugged as she wasn't in a confronting mood today

Dan escorted her inside the venue and back to where the green room and food storage was

"let me know if you need anything i'll be just outside"
Lilah smiled nodding at him
"thanks Dan and thank you,you didn't have to stand up for me like that"

"don't mention it kid,he needs to learn to not have such a big head"
The pair shared a laugh before they made their separate ways

As Lilah grabbed some snacks knowing she might be here for a while she heard muffled shout leading to the green room which sounded a lot like Renée,Towa and Adam

"no i'm not fucking doing it"
"you don't have a choice-"
"fuck that! i'm not"
"is there anything else she can do...?"
"no paparazzis are already having a field day with that one picture!"
"i don't care. i'm leaving Lilah's waiting on me"
"Renée get back here now!-"

Lilah almost fell inside the room as she was ears dropping and renée opened the door so abruptly

She grabbed the girls arms stabilising her
"sorry i got bored in the room.."
"it's fine uhm rehearsal is done-"
"no it's not renée."
Adam said with a really angry look
"it IS done and we WILL get out of here"
renée said not even looking back but keeping an arm around the younger girls waist

"uhm right wanna get some food?"
she asked unsure of what was happening but also the fact she didn't know renée wanted to go so public around her team.

She grabbed her hand and lead them away from the crowds of people running around working in the venue

They finally arrived at a really cute cafe that wasn't too busy which gave them a little more privacy
"if you don't mind me asking, what was all the shouting about?"
Renée looked as if a deer got caught in headlights
"you heard that?"
"i mean it wasn't hard to..."
Lilah's said with a slight chuckle

Renée took a breath asking Lilah a little anxious as to what she was going to say.

She reached over grabbing the younger girls hand into her own
"Adam found out we have been hooking up"
Lilah looked at her confused
"in your contract it says we can't have this kind of relationship Lilah."
she said in almost a hurtful voice
"but that's not the main issue"

Lilah continued not to say a word looking t her
"i'm sure it's not that bad-"
"the one night we were out in the balcony basically naked... someone took a picture of us and it's everywhere...."

Renée looked away getting upset by this
"renée it's going to be okay, look at me"
She reached over grabbing both of her hands
"i know exactly what my contract says, and i know adam is probably pissed at all this and i'm sorry but i really like you and that won't stop me from being with you..."

Renée looked at her with a smile shaking her head
"i do too Lilah but this can ruin my career.."
"how do? you are openly queer and fuck that part of the contract honestly"

Renée looked at her
"you're right,nothing bad can even happen"

Lilah got up from sitting across and sat next to renée who wrapped her arms around the younger girl

"you always manage a way around anything don't you?"
renée smiled and leaned down kissing the lips she had missed so much all day
"thank you for this and for being there when you were"

"of course nae,you know i'd do anything for you"
Renée looked down with a smirk on her face
Lilah looked back pecking her lips nodding
"anything nae"

"why don't you be my girlfriend then?"
Lilah looked at her in shock
A silence took over between the pair making her  question herself and get scared

"i'd love to be your girlfriend nae"

AN: another day another chapter keep sending over suggestions to any messy things you guys think will happen or won't 👀👀
hope you allll are good and safe 💋💋

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