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"of course"

Billie smiled at Lilah as she watched her eat her ice cream in the opposite seat next to her

"so what's the deal with you and renée now then?"

"nothing we're fine she's just suspicious.."

Billie could sense that Lilah was worried she reached over and grabbed her hand softly rubbing the back of it

"i'm sure you two will be fine,how about you come to mine and my brothers studio with me? we can chill until she's back home"

Lilah smiled squeezing her hand back

"yeah that sounds fun i won't be interrupting you guys or anything-"

Billie gave her a look making her laugh

"i invented you idiot buckle up"

After a car ride filled with Billie telling Lilah all the best spots in LA and all they arrived at Finneas' house,billie's brother

"his house is lovely"
Lilah said admiring the tree that stood in front of the house

"yeah wait until ur inside,him and his girlfriend decorated it all it's so sick"

Billie smiled as they walked into the house,her having the keys obviously and made their way to the kitchen and were met by non other than Claudia

"Billie! nice to see you again"
She walked over giving her a hug before turning to Lilah

"Claudia this is Lilah,Lilah this is my brothers girlfriend Claudia"

Lilah smiled and stepped up hugging her being returned

"it's nice to meet you,i love your outfit"

"claudia is big on clothes"

Billie said walking over to the fridge and having a look what's inside before taking our two bottles of vitamin waters handing one to Lilah

"thanks! i thrifted it back home"

Before claudia could respond A tall ginger man mostly known as Finneas walks in

"hey bil,oh you must be Lilah! i'm finneas her brother"

He said with a smile being returned by Lilah

"yeah that's me, you guys have such a nice house i love the greenery"

The three laughed at the comment before thanking her

"come i'll show you the studio"

Billie said walking over and grabbing her hand and making their way over to where the studio was

"Lilah? your phones ringing"

Billie said as she reached over grabbing her phone handing it to her

The pair had been talking for hours and couldn't see daylight outside anymore

"hey baby"

"hey where are you?"

"I'm at billie's brothers house"

"oh do you want me to get you?"

"yeah sure i was gonna leave soon anyways"

"alright see you soon"

"alright i love y-"

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