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After a short car ride with billie she pulled up at renee's house seeing that she had beat them and was already home

Lilah took a deep breath before billie grabbed her hand gently

"i'll come in and help you"

Lilah shook her head in argument

"no billie it's fine-"

"i wasn't asking, come on"

she watched as billie got out of the car headed over to the front door before Lilah followed behind

she grabbed her keys from her pocket and unlocked the front door hearing immediately loud music blaring through the house

Lilah walked over to where she separated her boxes and started moving them just outside as the the moving van would be here anytime soon that she scheduled

before she could pick up a second box renée walked over looking between the pair

"didn't know we had visit?"

"i'm just getting my boxes renée i'll be out soon"

"no no do you guys want anything to drink?"

Lilah looked between renée and billie confused yet scared of what would happen before Billie spoke up

"yeah what'd you have?"

She said with a smile as she walked away with renée to the kitchen

Lilah decided to message the gc she hasn't in a while

Lgbtv 🏳️‍🌈📺

guys billie and renée are in
the kitchen together and i
was about to grab my stuff
for the moving van but she's
acting way too suspicious

Go fuck them both idk
maybe that will help

don't listen to him
what happened?

i'm moving to my own place
and we went to get food
and we had another argument
she thinks i'm into billie
which is so stupid

well do you?

Lilah looked at the message that addie sent
do i?
maybe i do?
no i cant renée and i are...

Thoughts were interrupted by a laugh coming from the kitchen

she got up and started waking over being met by billie and renée having a drink and chatting

the view was something to give someone a heart attack

god i should take James' advice she thought as she laughed to herself

"what's funny lia?"

Renée asked with a smile as she handed her drink over to her

"nothing just thinking"

Lilah reached over and took a swing making billie look at her

"easy there"

Renée watched her and smiled

"wanna grab drinks and chill in the living room?"

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