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The night ended with the group going back to Finneas and Claudia's house

they were all currently spread around the living room watching nightmare before christmas which most of them loved

"no billie it's a horror movie"

"dude shut up it's a christmas movie"

Zoe and billie went back and forth as Lilah adjusted herself from her seat next to billie to grab her phone seeing messages from renée

the guilt of kissing billie finally set in and she felt sick.

She instantly messaged renée back saying she'll be home soon before ordering herself an uber as billie took a peak

"hey i can drop you back"

Lilah hesitated

"n-no it's fine i'll just get an uber back-"

"i wasn't asking, come on get your stuff"

Billie spoke with a smirk as she got up being followed by Lilah

"thanks for having me guys i'll see you all soon?"

"of course you can come here anytime cutie"

Claudia spoke as she hugged Lilah before she followed billie behind with her head hanging low

the pair sat in her car before she started driving making her way back to renée

"we can't tell anyone about the kiss."
Lilah spoke in almost a harsh tone

"what kiss?"

Billie begins to joke before earning a glare from Lilah

"i cheated on renée....im a horrible person billie i cant-"

"hey hey woah you aren't a horrible person you just had a lot happening alright?"

Billie reassured her which wasn't much help knowing the guilt was still heavy in her chest

as billie stopped the car parking in front of renee's house they could see her sitting at the foot of her door

Lilah looked over at billie

"i'm serious billie"

"me too,i won't say a thing"

she said bummed out before unlocking the car door and watching and Lilah walked out towards the front door

Lilah walked up seeing a teary eyed renée as she crouched down to her level

"what's wrong?"

Renee looked up meeting Lilah's eyes before she looked behind her seeing billie who was looking over at them for a while too long before she drove away

Lilah grabbed renee's hand and walked them inside the house in silence

walking over to the sofa Lilah sat down as renee stood looking at her

"i don't wanna hurt you Lilah"

She spoke with a broken voice

"renée what are you talking about?"

"i just don't think this is really working out Lilah..."

Lilah's head snapped to her in shock

"where is this coming from..."
Lilah has now stood up from her seat watching as renee took a step back

After closer inspection she saw how red renee's eyes were

"are you high right now"

Renée stayed silent shaking her head no but Lilah took a step and instantly could smell the weed coming off of her

"renée seriously im not having this conver with you right now"

"so you come home late, go out with my friends, got dropped off by billie who clearly wants you and now you wanna tell me you aren't gonna talk to me because im high?"

Renée scoffed at her with a smile splatter on her face

"renée what are you even on about?"

"she's into you for fuck sake!"

Lilah walked up to her grabbing her chin

"shout out me again, i dare you"

Renée stood there with her lips sealed as she knows she spoke too much nonsense

"go to bed i can't with you right now"

Lilah spoke as she turned around grabbing her phone and calling Finneas

"what ar eyou? my mom?"

Lilah shook her head and walked off to the kitchen where he answered

"hey kid what's up?"

"hey finneas i was just wondering if you could send the number of the house agents you were talking about?"

"yeah let me find it and i'll message it to you, everything okay?"

"no yeah im all good just wanna look for a new place asap"

"yeah i get it let me send it now then"

"thanks ill see you later"

"see you"

Lilah ended the call before checking her messages and clicking on the agents number sending her a quick message about houses nearby before setting her phone down

Renée had gone upstairs now too high to even continue such a conversation as Lilah's mind was clouded with the idea that billie did probably like her and the kiss made everything worse.

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