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Lilah walked into the meeting hood up and sunglasses on almost looking hungover but she just never stuck to a sleep routine.

"Lilah you made it! great now we can talk tour?" said what looked like one of Renées team, Lilah took a glance around the room taking a seat.

"how is your going to work? like do i go with you guys?or do i travel separately and like what if-"

"chill baby you're with us on the bus"

Lilah was surprised as she heard Renée not noticing she was sitting right next to her, laughter is heard all around the room as they saw the interaction.

"how big are the food sizes in america? we can stop at 7 eleven and try every slush?"

"before that we need you to sign a contract."

Lilah's head turns to Adam, her manager, and grabs the stack of papers having a flick through it.

.You have the right to object to the process of personal information.
.You agree that you will follow all rules after signed.
.You have the right to bring ONE assistant depending on management.

all boring things until she flicked towards the end of papers

.You will have a strict work relationship with company and artist.

Lilah furrowed her eyebrows before shaking her head and chuckling, she reached over and grabbed the black pen going to the last pages and signing it

"great! i'm sure it'll be a pleasure to work with you and we'll keep in touch with more information,tour starts next week so get packing kid"

With a deep breath Lilah smiled and reached over shaking their hands

"can't wait!"

After some time only Lilah and Renée were left at the table

"was everything okay?"


"when you ran out yesterday? was everything okay?"

Lilah looked up at the blue eyes girl with a awkward chuckle escaping her lips

"yeah just my best friend got back with her dick face of an ex and doesn't want to her from me"

Renée looked over at her with a sympathetic look and as she was about to reply she received a call
"sorry i gotta take this"
Lilah nodded feeling a little upset because Renée seemed to be the only person she could talk to outside the situation.

Gathering her stuff and grabbing the stack of paper she had previously signed along with other contracts she slipped her bag over her shoulder looking over at the blonde

"hey i'm gonna go i'll see you around"

Before she could even take a step away the blonde grabbed her wrist stopping her from moving still on the phone

"yeah listen can i give you a call later? okay great thanks"

Renée stuffed her phone in her pocket before putting all her attention on the brown headed girl

"i'm leaving tonight"

"what? why? i thought you'd stay until the end of the week?"

Renée looked down slightly seeing their 3 inch height difference

"no i have some stuff to do back home and i need to pack for tour but i guess ill see you there?"
She said with a soft smile knowing the girl in front of her started growing on her

"what time is your flight? we can get dinner.."
Lilah suggested as she wasn't sure what she was thinking aside from just wanting to be around the blonde

"are you asking me on a date?"
Renée asked teasingly as a smirk appeared on her face and a laughing Lilah was heard

"No no no no just want to have dinner before we hit the road?"

"good because i have a girlfriend"

Even though Lilah didn't think of Renée in that way something in her shifted after that sentence

"is her name Lilah?"

Renée laughed shaking her head before grabbing her purse

"sure babe"

"good i'll pick you up at 7"

Lilah winked over at the blonde walking out of the office not forgetting to turn catching a shocked yet happy blonde still stood at the office table

AN: Slightly shorter chapter but next one will be shorter too as the next couple ones will get a little longer as they start tour!
cant wait to keep writing this book im excited to share it all with you guys 💋

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