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"wake up! wake up! im hungry!"
"leave me alone amelia"
A sleepy Lilah mumbled into her pillow being hit with another by her younger sister

"no! mommy left with daddy and calum is about to go too!" the younger girl said to her sister in a sassy tone

"alright just get off me and let me wake up first"

Amelia finally climbed off Lilah's bed rushing out to what she could only assume would be downstairs

After last nights event all she could think about was Renée,why did she not say it would be a meeting with her friends? why didn't she say she had a girlfriend? i mean it's not her place but-


"i'm coming i'm coming"
She finally got out of bed not really bothering to change out of her pijamas just yet

looking at her room seeing two suitcases pulled in the corner only reminding she leaves in less than 24hours to start tour.

"fuck me" lilah mumbled
she walked downstairs to be met with her little sister sat on the sofa watching an episode of rugrats
"i love that show!"
Amelia turned to her older sister confused
"it's for kids lia"

Lilah looked down at her before lunging at her and tickling the younger girl
"it's not just for kids"
"fine!let me go!"
Amelia said between giggles and after a while Lilah stopped smiling down at the little girl

"i have something to tell you millie"

Lilah said using the nickname the entire family called the little girl

"okay" she sat turning towards her older sister
"tomorrow i'm going to be leaving and going all the way to Los Angeles and i won't be back for a while"
Amilia and Lilah were attached to the hip since the little one was born so this was a lot for amelia
"what? why?"
"i have a cool job now,i take pictures of this really cool singer and i get to go on this fancy big bus!" Lilah says trying to forget how she will be leaving her family for so long
"can i come with you??"
"no sweetheart but i'll facetime you and message you everyday okay?"
Lilah held out her pinky interlocking it with the younger girl
"come on you want some pancakes?"

After breakfast Lilah dropped Amelia off at her cousins meaning she was met with her worst fear.
before she could even pick up a shirt her phone rang seeing it was Addie



"Why did you call? are you okay?

"yeah i'm fine sorry i just miss you..."

"I miss you too Addie..."

"Lia i'm really sorry for what i said"

"it's okay-"

"no it's not as your best friend i should have never said anything like that"

"your right,thank you for apologising"

"what are you doing?"

"well i was starting to pack for tour but i cant seem to find good outfits"

"can i come around to help?"

"of course you can! call James too"

"alright i'll see you soon"

Lilah hung up now having a smile on her face as she had missed her best friend and needed to catch her up slightly

"so she's gay??"

After about twenty minutes the pair arrived and have been helping Lilah with packing which was going quicker then expected

"well can't you tell?"

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