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Shortly after their moment downstairs Lilah found herself slowly packing away her clothes as she just needed space for herself as quickly as possible

she sat renée down and explained even if they went back to normal she still needed some space to figure out herself again, especially after moving to a whole different side of the world it has affected her and she hasn't even noticed

She checked her phone seeing the time now read 7:30 AM which surprised her as she was listening to her playlist on spotify so time went by past to the point where she had just packed her last pair of jeans

she started to set the boxes downstairs by the door to make things easier before she heard the stairs cracking seeing a half asleep renée

"morning sleepy"

Lilah spoke with a chuckle seeing as her hair was all of her the place just like a toddler who had woken up in the middle of the night

"it's so early why are you awake?"

she asked tiredly

"i couldn't sleep so i packed my stuff away already.."

she spoke carefully as she wasn't looking to get on her nerves this early in the morning

"you could have asked for help lia,i was awake for the most part"

she made her way down the stairs as she yawned

"wanna grab some breakfast before you head out?"

"uh yeah why not"

Lilah thought even after the last couple of days maybe one breakfast wouldn't hurt?

She looked through her boxes and put in one of her hoodies over the joggers she was already wearing and waited for renée to put an outfit on

upstairs renée started putting jorts and a white shirt on before she heard a ringing form her phone, Towa flashed across the screen

"hey you haven't called for a while i got worried"

Renée smiled softly

"hey im okay just some stuffs been going on at home"

"what's up?"

"Lilah and i are taking a break..."


"i'll explain everything later you wanna come for dinner?"

"yeah sure are you okay nae?"

"im fine don't worry about me"

"don't say that"

"im fine seriously ill talk to you later"

"alright love you"

Renée smiled as she set her phone in her pocket and started making her way downstairs to her car being followed by

the pair drove away in silence not understanding where their relationship stood as of right now but they didn't want to bring it up, just enjoy the moment for now

They arrived at Renée favourite breakfast place making Lilah smile as they walked inside

they both ended up getting pancakes and a diet coke, strange but it's honestly pretty good

"i hope everything's okay between us, and im sorry again for the way i've been acting-"

Lilah shook her head looking up at Renée

"stop i just wanna enjoy this before i move, and im not gonna say it's fine because it isn't but im also not perfect and make my own mistakes so...."

"Lilah what are you talking about you never did anything wrong"

Lilah looked at her like she was a deer caught in headlights

"i'm saying im not perfect that's all nae"

she spoke carefully as their food arrived and they both thanked the younger girl serving them

"where are you moving to then?"

"a cute house at eagle rock not too far"

Renée looked at her a little perplexed

"eagle rock? that's like an hour or more away from my house Lilah"

"oh right"

She nodded and went back to their food

Renée couldn't contain this awkward silence between them anymore before she spoke up

"do you like Billie?"

"what? where's this coming from?"

"so you do?"

"renée what are you-"

"just answer me yes or no Lilah"

"n-no i don't she's my friend"

Renée smirked as she looked up behind her where Lilah hadn't noticed that the the girl with red roots had been sitting just behind them hearing the conversation

Renée knew what she was doing despite the fact she didn't know about what happened between Lilah and Billie, she knew billie was into her

All Lilah saw was the blue eyed beauty who had been on her mind for days dash out of the breakfast place with her stuff towards her car

Lilah looked at renée as she sipped her drink with a smirk on her face

"don't lie to me Lilah"

Lilah shook her head before she spoke in a angry tone

"you think i'm having a break to go get with billie?"

"that's exactly what i think Lilah"

"why can't you just drop this and have a nice time between us before i leave huh? you always have a stick up your ass"

"fuck you Lilah your always making me pissed off"

"maybe this break is going to be better than i thought"

"we're calling this a break? might as well end all this shit"

Renée mumbled under her breath and Lilah heard and scoffed throwing some money at the table

"i'm fucking done renée"

she said as she got up and walked out leaving renée to regret her plan on making Lilah hate her to make things easier but only making it worse

Lilah walked outside seeing as billie was still sat in her car before she walked over

"go back to renée Lilah i don't wanna talk"

She said clearly upset over what she heard

"billie im sorry i-"

billie finally  turned to her before re hung for her hands which Lilah gladly took into her own

"im not asking you for anything okay? i'm just a little upset because i thought the kiss meant something but i understand Lilah. i promise"

Lilah smiled at the comforting choice of words before squeezing her hands

"do you mind dropping me at renee's?"

Billie chuckled shaking her head as she started her car again before turning to her

"hurry up and get in now Lilah"

AN:WOOP WOOP who's team Lillie and who's team Lenee????

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