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Moments before

"No, no, no Baby no!" Angeldust repeated, sliding on his shins in a ninja esk pose over to the limp demon on the floor of the hotel lobby.

"NIFTY!" Everyone yelled.

"I stabbed...." Nifty sobbed realizing what she just did. "The kitty!" Tears welling up in her eye, her crying was an ear piercing sound.

Alastor wandered over to the intriguing being she was. "There there, little lady." He lifted the incredibly tiny demon up, and rested her on his shoulde, patting her head soothingly.

"I- I wanted to help the kitty!" Nifty cried. "Not kill the kitty" she whined, more tears welling up quickly replacing the previous tears that rushed down her face. Alastor sneaked her away as she cried, teleporting once he was out of sight.

"Angel." Charlie gasped. Rushed quickly over to the spider demon and the body of her bartender friend.

Vaggy and Cherribomb sprang into action. They were both in their full blown demon form.

Valentino. pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. "aaaaand this is why I don't get caught up with women, they're all psychotic." he spoke softly to himself, still the girls could hear.

"Wowz, look at the time I really must get back to the studio."

Quickly he ran out of the hotel.

"Get him!" Cherri yelled sprinting out of the hotel.

Vaggy ran out after her, extending her wings and flying after the vermin that was know as Valentino. She swooped down before him just as Cherribomb caught up. She shoved her angelic spears in his face stopping him dead in his tracks as Cherribomb threw her bombs creating a pink smokescreen the demon couldn't see through.

"I say we gouged out his eyes." Vaggy suggested.

"I say we grind his bones to dust!" Cherribomb countered, a violently snyde tone in her voice as her eye twitched with anger. She pulled four of her hot pink bombs out of her cleavage, two in each hand.

"The fuck?!" He yelled in a tone that resembled Jack Skellington.

"GO BITCH!" Cherri's bombs exploded making the smokescreen more dense are hard to see through

"This, is for Husker!" Vaggy screamed as she drove the spear into his chest.

"This, is for Charlie!" She yelled. Stabbing the moth demon again.

Cherribomb came up in front of gripping on to the spear as well.

"And this," Cherri howled.

"THIS IS FOR ANGIE!" the two demon women screamed as they sent the spear straight through the moth demon, watching as he desintigreted into dust, then dust into nothing.

In the broadcasting room, Alastor and Nifty phased into the room, Alastor's portal disappearing.

He sat Nifty down on the soundboard. She kicked her legs in and out.

"What a beautiful display, darling." Alastor patted her head.

"Now, will you tell me why I had to kill the kitty?" Nifty asked, still crying because she really didn't want to. Nifty definitely did want to help Husker kill the moth, but she does as she's told, always.

Loyal by design.

"Oh I suppose," Alastor agreed. "but you mustn't breathe a word about it my dear." He continued.

Inside the Hotel, Angeldust looked up from Husker's bloodied body, tears welled and tricking down his face and he looked desperately into Charlie's eyes, her face the exact same.

They engulfed each other into a hug. Charlie let her tears fall silently, she rubbed Angel's back soothingly while he cried as loudly as he needed.

Cherribomb and Vaggy flew back to the hotel. By this I mean Vaggy flew she was just carrying Cherribomb in her arms to make the trip quicker.

"Are we, telling this to Charlie?" Cherribomb asked. As the two landed, walking back into the hotel.

"Uuuh. Maybe not in this exact moment." Vaggy stated.

Cherribomb helped Angeldust to his room, Husker's body vanished.

Charlie went up to her room, or so Vaggy thought.

"and, you're sure Husker is in heaven?" Charlie asked.

"Of course!" Alastor stated, handing her something. "She wouldn't lie to me."

Charlie looked glumly at the demon before her, her posture poor, her face depressive.

"Oh, don't be sad dear." He held her chin in his palm comfortingly. "It had to be this way. Besides, if I know anything about Husker, he'll be back."

"I'm trusting you Alastor, please don't make me regret it." She sighed as Alastor snapped his fingers teleporting her to her room.

The guilt consumed Charlie. Why did she agree to this? She's glad if it truly did work. But she knows she's betrayed everyone by letting this happen. Especially Angeldust.

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