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He knew Husker moved his stashes. How could he forget? It didn't matter because that was all he needed. He through his head back and slumped into the chair.

Charlie knocked on the door.

"Not now!" Angeldust yelled.

"Angel, I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I was worried it would make what you're dealing with worse." Charlie's eyes were puffy but the tears didn't fall yet.

Angel sighed and wheeled the chair over to the door, and opened it. "Alright come in."

Charlie did and Angeldust shut the door. Behind her.

"I'm really sorry I didn't say it sooner, I didn't want to hurt you." Charlie sighed..

"Charlie, I'm not even upset or angry at you, just that he's gone." He explained. "He's the one good thing I've had in a while."

"I understand. If there's anything you need please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks Charlie."

Charlie left the room. Getting ready for the next meeting.

Angeldust did such a good job telling people what they want to hear. The length of time he'd have to gas up Valentino made him good at covering up how he truly felt. He knows Charlie wants to help him. He does want to be clean, he does want to be the better version of himself but, there's so much damage that needs to be undone. Being unable to let people know what's going is definitely one of them.

Lying is survival for the spider demon.

Angeldust collected himself and headed downstairs. After class he poured himself another drink and went up to Husker's room.

He plopped on the bed with a thud. Something fell with a soft thud

"The fuck?" Angeldust lifted Husker's pillow and looked between the bed and the wall.

A baggie of his drugs had fell to the floor. His eyes narrowed. He put the pillow back where it was and sat on the bed trying to ignore what he saw. He twiddled his thumbs trying to ignore the presence of the substance.

"I don't need it. I don't need it." He repeated.

Fat Nuggets climbed onto the bed. Angeldust petted the piglet for a little while trying to distract himself from all the emotions and urges he was feeling.

"Fuck!" He couldn't stop thinking about it!

He grabbed Fat Nuggets and rushed to his room shutting Husker's door.

Why was this so much fucking harder now?

Angeldust violently sobbed hoping the itch would go away if he just cried himself to sleep, regardless of  it being only two in the afternoon. He didn't want to give in. Husker would be so disappointed. He tried to remind himself of all he's accomplished but nothing soothed the poor spider.

Cherribomb has gone home. Charlie and Vaggy prepped for tomorrow's meeting before straightening up the room again.

Eventually Angeldust did fall asleep.

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