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Angeldust was in a much better mood now, it's been a week or so since Husker's visit. It made him much more lively and more himself that he's been since the cat's second death.

Speaking of the couple, the pair were preparing in their respective dimensions, for another date. Husker was gonna teleport down to the coffee shop they usually went to.

Angeldust hasn't gotten dressed up since the fateful day, regardless he cleaned up very well.  He walked into the café and saw Husker already sat at a booth with drinks and muffins.

He strutted on over to the love of his afterlife and sat down.

"Where the fuck is my stepson?"

"What?" Angeldust asked.

"I got him ice cream where is my boy!?"

"Charlie wanted to watch him. I'm still here tho."

"But his ice cream." Husk was very upset he couldn't spoil the piglet he has missed.

"It's okay. I'll eat it if anything."

Husker laughed, before leaning towards the spider for a kiss.

While the pair were on their date Alastor and Charlie had yet another chat in Al's Broadcasting room.

"I know, I know! Charlie will you just trust me! This will work! Angeldust will get to heaven he just needed a push. I did that." Alastor stated.

"But that's extremely manipulative and the exact opposite of what this hotel is supposed to do!" Charlie yelled.

"Where's the fun in doing things by the book?" Alastor asked.

"You lied to me Alastor." Charlie crossed her arms.

"No I stretched the truth a little bit. I still did what I said."

"I'm gonna tell Vaggy." Charlie stated.

"No,no,no! Charlie let this work then tell her."

"No I'm sick of following you without her opinion. You've crossed a line this time." Charlie stormed out of the room.


The door slammed as Charlie left. Alastor teleported but it was too late she was already in her room.

Husker and Angeldust caught up on how each other are doing in their receptive dimensions as they ate their muffins and chatted.

"Hey, I don't really want to bring him up, especially not on our date, but I forgot to ask last time. What exactly happened Valentino? I mean I assume he killed me all things considered so whe-" Angeldust cut the cat off.

"You underestimate my bestie." Angeldust smirked.

"Cherri killed him!?" Husker exclaimed.

Angeldust nodded.  "Vaggy was there too I guess."

The two kept talking and enjoying their drinks and their breakfast.

"I really don't want to leave." Husker admitted.

"Then don't?" Angeldust suggested.

"I have to, Sera can't find out I know I can get here. Adam and the Exorcists only could because they were basically an army. I can because I'm a sinner."  Husker groaned.

"Were, a sinner." The spider corrected.

"Still am!"

The two silently sipped their drinks for a moment.

"I wish I could bring you there." Husker sighed.

"Hey! We're togedda right now. Let's enjoy it." Angeldust suggested.

"You're right." Husker smiled.

The two finished their muffins and walked out of the coffee shop with their drinks. The two walked hand and hand to the hotel.

Husker and Angeldust went up to Angel's room and just continued talking and enjoying each other's company.

Before Husker left, the couple went down to the bar he mixed Angel's drink and poured it between two glasses.

"I love you Whiskers." Angeldust said taking on eof the glasses and taking a sip.

"I love you too Legs." Husker said taking the other glass and sipping the drink. "Huh, I forgot how good this was." He downed the drink. He left the bar, quickly kissed Angeldust good bye and opened the portal back to heaven.

In Charlie's room.

"Charlie, hun, slow down! What did Al do?" Vaggy asked unable to understand Charlie and her a motor mouth.

"He may have had something to do with Husk getting to heaven, and he may be trying to use Husk to get Angeldust there too."

"Why is that bad?"

"Did you forget Nifty killed Husk?"

"You think Nifty did it on purpose?" Vaggy questioned.

"I know she did." The princess stated. "Alastor is privy to inform that heaven doesn't even know. Angeldust's name is already in the book."


"He's already redeemed." Charlie stated.

"So he just has to die?"


"Is that what Al wants to do?"

Charlie was silent the Radio Demon teleported into the room.

"Why is this such an issue?" The perky tone in his voice was only heightened by the filter.

"Get the fuck out of our room!" Vaggy threw her spear at The Radio Demon.

Alastor was in no mood to deal with Vaggy and her temper so he portaled way just before the spear could hit him.

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