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Cherribomb made it to The Hazbin Hotel just in time for  the first meeting towards redemption. She saw everyone was already sat in the lobby except Angeldust.

"Still hasn't left Husker's room?" Cherri asked with a sigh.

Charlie shook her head silently, still upset from her choices and the outcomes from those choices.

"Give me five minutes." Cherribomb stated before rushing up the stairs.

"Angie I'm coming in." Cherribomb called through the door. Angeldust wiped his tears away even though more fell to replace them, he sat up and tried to be as presentable as possible. Cherri walked in.

"We got class."

"I'm not goin'."

"Angie you have to leave that bed at someone point." Cherri sighed.

"I do!"

"Taking a piss doesn't count."

"I just."

Angedust pulled his knees to his chest.

"I don't want them to see me like this." He looked anywhere but at his friend.

"Angie, they aren't going to expect you to be fine. Charlie looks like she's tearing herself apart and she's didn't even do anything wrong, she just wants to help and she can't cause you won't let her!" Cherri stated a little louder than she meant.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I just hate seeing you this way." Cherribomb sighed.

"Which is exactly why I don't want to leave his room." Angeldust stated, wasn't the full truth but she didn't need to know the full story.

"Bitch! You might be able to shut out Vaggy and Charlie and everyone else cause they respect boundaries, But you know me.  Boundaries are meant for me to destroy. So fucking try me."

Angedust couldn't help the chuckle that he tried and failed to surpress. Cherribomb was right. She was the embodiment of 'disrespect your surroundings.' Especially if Angeldust was in trouble.

"There's that smile. Come on, you ain't even gotta get dressed just get the fuck outta bed, or you wont have to worry about them seeing you a mopy mess. They'll be seeing me drag your ass down the stairs by your feet." She warned.

Angeldust reluctantly stood up and walked groggily to the center of the room. He knows when her threats are empty and that one definitely wasn't.

"Good choice Angie." Cherri smiles.

"Fuck you."

"I'm not your type." Cherri laughed.

"Seriously fuck you." Angeldust frowned not in the mood for her antics anymore.  The two went downstairs together.

"Angel you made it!" Charlie ran up and hugged him the minute he got to the lobby. Angeldust hugged back though he didn't want to admit it; the hug helped.

Vaggy just finished posting Husker's framed photo on the wall of redemption, next to Sir Pentious and the others.

Angeldust made the mistake of eyeing it.  The tears welled up again but he wiped them away, before taking a seat.

Cherribomb sat next to him, putting a supportive hand on his shoulder, mouthing 'you got this.'

He couldn't even look at the bar. It wasn't Mimzy fault but seeing someone else there made him not want to drink there ever.

He's finally understood why Husker liked the cheap stuff. He's been black out drunk since the night after Husker died. He knew Husker would kill him for downing all the alcohol in his fridge so he left two or three bottles on the off chance Husk comes back to haunt him, wishful thinking I guess.

After the first meeting, Angeldust went righr back up to Husker's room, Cherribomb followed.

"Why do you put up with me?" He signed.

"Angie, you had my back when nobody else did. Rollin' alone is only fun before you get all wrapped up in bullshit. I'd probably be double dead right now if I hadn't met you." Cherribomb stated. "I got you, for the rest of this life bitch. I know for a fact you got me too."

"You know it." Angeldust sighed.

There was a knock on the door.

"It's Charlie can I please come in?"

The spider shook his head no, but Cherribomb didn't listen.

"Come in!" She instructed.

"Ugh!" Angeldust groaned covering his head with a pillow laying on his stomach.

Charlie walked in.

"Hey Princess." Cherribomb greeted.

"Hey, everything in me wants to ask if he's okay but I know the answer is no." Charlie prefaced. "I just thought maybe he'd want some hot chocolate. Vaggy made it herself with only the strawberry flavored marshmallows, from that bag we got on accident." Charlie stated.

"Oh Angie, they're your favorite kind." Cherri tried to persuade him.

He sighed uncovering his face. He flipped over and sat up. Taking the drink from Charlie.

"Thanks Charlie." He said with a half-hearted smile.

"Of course Angel." Charlie welcomed. "There was another thing I came here for. I know you're probably not up for it right now, and that's totally fine but, Vaggy and I thought we could all use a night away from the hotel, all things considered would you like to come with us?"

Angeldust looked back and forth between Charlie and Cherri. He couldn't say no to Charlie, she'd be worried sick about him all night she wouldn't have any fun. Cherribomb wouldn't let him say no anyway.

He took a deep sigh. "I guess, it couldn't hurt. But I'm not getting all dressed up."

"No no, of course not we're all just dressing casual anyway, would suggest pants tho."

"That's fair." Angeldust agreed.

"Hooray for forcing Angeldust to socialize!" Cherribomb yelled.

"it's not forced if he doesn't want to be doesn't have to." Charlie tried to insist it was an offer not mandatory.

Cherribomb insisted that if Angeldust even tried flaking she'd annoy the crap out of him til she had to leave.

Angeldust really appreciated their efforts to make him feel better. He thought maybe a night out would distract him enough from everything, he knew it wouldn't make him feel perfectly fine, but it might help in the moment, and he'd do anything to not feel like this.

He kept drinking the hot chocolate. The heat helping the hoarseness in his throat from how much he's been sobbing. "This is really great hot chocolate."

Charlie gave the spider's complements to the fallen angel who made the hot chocolate

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