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Almost a week passed since Husker's last visit. Sera was keeping him so busy making sure he wasn't still trying to get back to hell. Husk fronted like he was enjoying it here but honestly he'd enjoy it more if Angeldust was with him. Angeldust wanted more than anything to see Husk again. He understands there's shit he's gotta do but it's been a week without a word. Eventually Husk finished all the tasks Sera had for him. He went back into his room and portaled down to the hotel.

He walked through the door and into the hotel and up the stairs to Angel's room. He knocked on the door. Angeldust opened it, his face lit up at the sight of the cat.

"I missed you!" He said hugging the Angel.

"I missed you too." Husk hugged back as he stepped into the room. Angeldust shut the door. "I got bad news."

"Oh?" Angeldust asked sitting on his bed, Husker sat next to him.

"I can't come down here as often as I've been anymore. If Sera catches on I might not be able to see you at all. I can't handle that." He explained.

"I understand. It sucks but I understand." Angeldust sighed. Angeldust didn't want to ask his question anymore.

"You look like you got something on your mind." Husker stated.

"I do." Angeldust assured.

"I'm listening love." Husker sat up.

Angedust was silent for a moment. Did he really want to go through with this? He definitely did. But, he definitely didn't think he was ready.

"Can you get rid of the drugs?" Angeldust barely whispered.

"What?" Husker asked, taken aback.

"I don't want them around anymore, I don't want to accidentally find them again, or anything. Clearly I don't know how to control myself so I'd rather the drugs just be gone." Angedust stated.

Husker put a supportive hand on Angel's shoulder. "If you're sure you're ready for that."

"Oh, I'm definitely not. But I have to be. It's time." Angeldust stated. Husker embraced the spider before him.

"I'm so proud of you Angel." Husker stated.

"I haven't even done anything yet." Angeldust chuckled.

"No, but you're making a huge decision and I'm proud of you." Husk stated.

That very same day Husk, Charlie, Cherribomb and Vaggy rummaged through Husker's room rounding up all the drugs Husk kept hidden from Angeldust. Cherribomb sold them and gave Angeldust the money. Not that he needed it.

Angeldust sighed. He wasn't sad but he wasn't happy about his choice either.

Husker returned back to Angel's room and laid beside him on the bed. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"We are not starting this." Husker rolled his eyes and playfully shoved the demon.

Angeldust chuckled before engulfing Husker into a hug and laying on top of him. 

"I do love you an awful lot." Angeldust admitted.

"I love you an awful lot too." Husker agreed.

The two cuddled for a bit.

While this was going on Charlie and her father were catching up.

"I told you not to get involved with other demons Charlie." Lucifer stated.

"I know but, can you help me?"

"You know I'll do anything for you. Whatever I can do, I will." Lucifer stated.

"Thank you!" Charlie was ecstatic.

"Please just listen to me next time?" He  asked.

"I will. I'm sorry."

"I'll get you out of this mess darling. I can assure you it won't be pretty." He stated.

Lucifer went back home, Charlie went up to her room. She still wasn't telling the whole truth. She's worried everyone would hate her. She wouldn't have ever agreed if Alastor out right said he'd have them killed.
She thought Alastor would just have information, like with Angeldust's name being in the book. She had no idea he'd have Nifty murder Husk.  Daddy better get her out of this.

Angeldust eventually fell asleep and Husker left the room quietly. He ran into Charlie on his way downstairs.

"You seem stressed princess." Husker noted.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that."

Husker went into the bar and poured a glass of  some alcohol. "Com'n tell the bartender."

"You promise you won't be mad?" She asked.

"I can't promise that til, I know what's going on." Husker assured.

"Weeeell, I may have had a hand in your death."

"What!?" Husker yelled but immediately composed himself. He was sure the princess would explain.

"Alastor promised me he'd get you and Angeldust into heaven, all I had to do was not question him. But, when Nifty stabbed you I quickly learned I shouldn't have trusted him and now, I'm pretty sure he's trying to kill Angel." Charlie downed the drink Husker poured just as he quickly poured another.

"Wow." Was all he could say. "Wait, so you made another deal with him?"

"No, no. He said it was just a trade of information, I mean I did still shake his hand so maybe it was a deal. He tricked me." Charlie stated sipping the second drink.

"You're in really deep shit kid." Husk stated.

"Yeah I see that." She agreed.

"Does anyone else know?" Asked the bartender. Charlie shook her head.

"Vaggy knows part of it. I didn't tell her I was directly involved I'm scared she'll hate me. And I really want to tell Angeldust because Alastor might as well have a target on his back, but he's going to hate me." Charlie let the tears fall as she drank the rest of her alcohol.

"Wait hang on, so who offed me?" Husker asked.


"Not that sleazy moth?" Husker asked.

"Nope, it was Nifty." Charlie stated.

"You know you're going to have to tell them at some point." Husk stated, pouring another drink, for Charlie. The princess nodded.

"I'll come with you when you tell them. I do have to head back up soon but if you need the moral support, we can tell them today."

"Right now?" Charlie asked reluctantly.

"Yes, right now." Husk nodded.

She gulped.

Charlie was afraid he'd say that.

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