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Charlie took a seat, Lucifer sat at the entire other end of the table from Sera. Emily was seated acrossed from Charlie. Husker was standing in a corner drinking his booze.

"This meeting is to discuss all of our thoughts and options for the threat on our hands." Sera introduced

"I feel that its imperative for the safety of all souls for this 'Radio Demon's' reign to come to an end." She stated.

"I believe it's to the benefit of Hell's souls respectively." Lucifer agreed.

"I am not keen on killing yet another soul." Emily stated.

"While I did agree Alastor didn't need to die in order to be stopped. I'm not sure how much else we could do. Killing him might just be easier." Charlie stated.

"Hang on." Husker said stepping out from the corner after swigging his booze. "Now I hate the guy more than anyone but Charlie, since when do you do things the easy way?" Husker asked.

"For fuck sake if you did things the easy way hell's sinners would still be exterminated."

"He's got a point." Lucifer stated.

"But at the same time, if Alastor is a threat to my people, I want him taken down. If you guys think he's a threat to everything we have to stop him by any means necessary." Charlie stated.

"Also a valid point." Husker stated.

"Are we all in agreement then?" Sera asks.

Reluctantly Emily crossed her arms, she was out numbered but she also has never interacted with Alastor, he's truly not a redeemable soul, especially if his plan were to come to light.

"Alright." She agreed.

"It's settled then." Lucifer stated.

"Wait for further instruction. But if anything shistey happens feel free to take matters into your own hands you're unfortunately, in the cross fire." Sera stated.

"This meeting has concluded." Emily stated.

The two seraphims teleported back to heaven.

Husker, Charlie, and Lucifer went to the hotel. Husker stopped at the bar drinking a ton. He knows Lucifer and Charlie could take Alastor alone. But the fact that He's got someone upstairs helping him, this could be ugly.

"You okay?" Angeldust asked walking into the lobby and towards the bar.

Husker nodded. "I'll be fine."

"How bout you finish that bottle and meet me up in my room?" The spider asked.

Husker raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"I got som'in to show ya." Angeldust stated.

Husker was intrigued. He nodded continuing to swig his bottle Angeldust went up to his room. Husker finished his bottle and went upstairs. Anthony's door was open, so Husker walked into the room.

Angeldust was sat on his bed, with this rolled up poster looking thing in his lap.

"Alright what did you want to show me?" Husk asked.

"When Cherri and I went to cannibal town, there was some demon doing caricatures." Angedust stated handing the Angel the rolled up paper.

Husker opened it. His jaw dropped, tears welled in his eyes but he wiped them away, afraid to ruin the drawing in his hands.

It was a picture of Angel, Fat Nuggets in his purse and of course himself, on their date at the café the first time.

"Angel, I-" Husker was basically speechless. "Thank you."

"Of course. I figured you could put it your room and look at it when you miss me. I got one too." The spider stated.

"You'll be up there soon Angie, but I'm still very grateful I'll get to wake up and see you every day, even if it is just a picture." Husker was very happy and surprised by the gift.  "Thank you so much."

"I'm glad you like it." The spider stated.

Husker sat on Anthony's bed, wrapping his arms around the spider. They sat in the hug for a few minutes. Husk eventually wrapped his wings around the demon too.

Eventually the two went downstairs to the bar. It was almost time for the second meeting. The first one was canceled due to the meeting with Heaven. Angeldust downed the drink Husker made him and sat on the couch waiting for other sinners to arrived. Cherribomb walked through the doors of the hotel. Husker poured her some drink, she took it thanking him and walked over to Angeldust. The other sinners started piling in.

The meeting ran a little longer than it should have. Everyone went of in there own directions. Cherribomb went home, Angeldust and Husker went up to his room.

"Do you mind?" Husker asked pointing at Angel's bong.

"No, but I'm out of weed." Angeldust stated.


"You t'ink if I wasn't I wouldn't have smoked myself into a coma instead of what I  did." Angeldust asked.

"Fair point." Husker noted. He reached into his pocket more than glad Cherri offered him a sample of bud from her latest spliced plant.

"Where you get that?" Angel asked.

"Cherri." Husker stated grabbing the bong.

Husker filled the bong and Angel handed him a lighter. Husker took his hit and passed it to Angeldust. The two smoked for a bit, before laughing at half the shit each other said cause neither of them made any sense after how much they smoked.

"What do you think double death is like?" Angeldust asked.

"I don't know. Why?" Husk answered with a question.

"Cause it would be nice if Valentino is being tortured in the after after life." Angeldust stated. Husker chuckled.

The two started to come down and eventually, Husker reluctantly had to go.

"I love you Angie." The cat said before one last kiss for the road. They made out for a little while.

"I love you too Whiskers." Angeldust stated once they pulled away.

With that Husker teleported back to his room in heaven.

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