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Sera was in Husker's room when he portaled back into it.


"Uh-oh is right. How did you know that you could get down there? Did Emily tell you?"  Sera was exasperated.

Husker panicked but he refused to admit that Emily told him.

"Uh no. One day I just snapped my fingers and this portal appeared. Look if I wasn't supposed to do that, why am I able to?" Husker asked.

"Well the souls from earth cannot do that so it's best you keep that you can to yourself. I do not want an uprising just before I pass the responsibility to my sister. She can handle it I'm sure but an uprising isn't the easiest thing to just start a reign through." Sera was livid that Husker was going down to hell but there wasn't actually a way she could stop him from doing it.

Especially when he's been smart about it. Only teleporting in his room where nobody could see.

"How did Adam?"

"That was because I allowed him to. I gave him the power to because he said extermination would keep us safe and that's all I wanted to do." Sera stated.

"Yeah well, Charlie was never a threat til Adam made her have to be. How kind would you be if she exterminated your people?" Husk asked.

"I understand that." Sera stated.

"Emily said she knows why I'm here but she can't tell me why." Husk stated.

"Because it's my job to. For a while I didn't think you were ready to hear it." Sera stated.

"Well?" Husk asked.

Angeldust was fast asleep, Fat Nuggets was curled up in his arms sleeping as well. Alastor was in his broadcast room plotting, against Charlie's wishes.

"Wait! I don't want to kill the spider too!" Nifty cried.

"Now, now Nifty. You haven't disobeyed me yet. Why start now?"

"But I told you, I really liked these guys. And if I kill Angeldust too who's going to watch my Roach puppet shows, without booing?" Nifty asked.

"Why I will of course! You know I quite enjoy your twisted little mind." Alastor stated.

"It's not the same." Nifty whined.

"Enough of this nonsense Nifty."

"I won't do it." Nifty crossed her arms looking even more like a child.

"You will do exactly as I insist." Alastor grew impatient, his demon form taking shape before Nifty could argue.

She gulped.

"Yes, Alastor."

"That's my good dear." Alastor went back to his normal form.

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