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Whe everyone got to the hotel Vaggy called Cherribomb a cab back to her apartment.

Angeldust stumbled a little bit but he got to Husker's room just fine before passing out on his bed.

Vaggy struggled but eventually got Charlie to their room. The other guests successfully managed to get to their respective rooms as well.

In Heaven

"I cannot guarantee anything, but I'll see if I can contact Lucifer. I don't know the extent of what he can do, but I'm pretty sure he still has Divine judgement." Emily explained to Husker who was in his fourth bottle of booze.

"Whatever you can do for me, I really appreciate how much you're trying."

"Anthony must mean a lot to you."

"You know his name?" Husker was confused.

"We know everyone's names. It's tied to their souls, does he not go by Anthony?" Emily was full of questions.

Husker explained Angel's situation, and how he sold his soul, and the overlord he sold it to changed his name. It was hard for Emily to comprehend but she understood for the most part.

"Is that why you go by Husker?" She asked. He nodded.

"Not every overlord is as bad as Valentino tho. God I hope he's not hurting him with me gone." The worry was evident in his voice.

"You still have no idea why you're here?" Emily laughed.

"Apparently neither do any of you." Husker stated.

"I do!" She laughed. "I'm not supposed to share heavens secrets but it's more than just not sinning, it's more than fighting for sobriety. At least it's supposed to be and when my sister steps down I will make sure heaven is run correctly." She explained

"You know, you remind me alot of Charlie." Husk said with a smile.

"I assume that's a good thing?" She said like a question.

"Very much so." He assured, the smaller than he expected seraphim.

The next day in hell

The first redemption meeting was canceled due to Charlie's massive hangover. But the second meeting was still on.

Angeldust slept through his hangover he woke up with a mild headache when he finally woke up, right at noon.
He went into the kitchen and brewed A nice cup of coffee. He added some milk and a little bit of sugar and took a large gulp. After a while the caffeine started curing what remained of his headache.

He laid on the couch cause he knew if he went back in Husker's room he wouldn't want to leave. He didn't have the energy to argue with anyone about it today.

Eventually everyone was downstairs except Charlie and Vaggy.

Mimsy was cleaning glasses dispite how many she shattered. Alastor's sanity along with them.

Charlie and Vaggy finally got down the stairs. Luckily Vaggy prepped before they canceled the previous meeting, so they didn't waste much time.

The meeting eventually ended.

"Angeldust, my feminine fellow!" Alastor bellowed.

"Watdaya want smiles?" Angeldust asked.

"I've noticed you haven't been at the bar lately. While I know it's not the same, give Mimzy a chance would you please." He said in his normal overenthusiastic tone before his volume went dim and his voice was sinister.

"If I'm left alone with her for even a minute longer I'm going to gouge out both of her eyes."

"Alright, fine. But don't expect me to like anything she gives me." Angeldust stated, sitting at the very bar he's been avoiding since the unfortunate demise of a certain previous bartender.

Mimsy made Angeldust a some drink that looked and tasted like nightquil

"That is disgusting!" Angeldust's face puckered.

"You don't know high quality drinks when you taste them!" Mimsy yelled.

"You don't know how to mix drinks to save your life!" Angeldust yelled.


"Yeah!" Angeldust said back angrily.

"That's why Husker servered you putrid bitch drinks."

"Mimsy!" Alastor warned.

"You leave him outta this! Besides he knows, I like the ones that are strong but don't taste strong if that's a bitch drink than whatever that is, might as well be water."

"Fuck you and your fucking fuzzball prick."

"Mimsy that's quite enough! Alastor yelled. "Angeldust I am so sorry fo-"

"Just leave me alone!" Angeldust yelled storming out of the hotel.

"I think I've given you enough chances." Alastor said. Mimsy gulped.

Angeldust didn't know where he was going and he didn't care, he just walked. Tears rolling down his face with every step.

Charlie went upstairs to check on Angeldust. She didn't go to his room because the door was open so she could see he wasn't in there. She went to Husker's room and knocked.

No answer.

"Angel?" Charlie called. Knocking again.


"I'm opening the door." She called shutting her eyes as she opened the door. When she heard nothing she opened her eyes and ran back downstairs.

"Have you seen Angeldust?"

"He left." Alastor stated.  He had a red liquid dripping from his mouth onto his chin a bit.

"What? Why?" Charlie asked.

"Mimsy pissed him off, so he stormed out." He dabbed his mouth clean,  with a handkerchief Charlie didn't know he had.

"Why the fuck didn't you go after him?" Charlie asked loudly.

"It's not my job to do so, darling. I'm the Host." Alastor stated.

"I'll be back." Charlie stated running out the door.

Where would Angel go? She didn't know she just ran off yelling his name.


"Charlie?" He said to himself. The demon princess ran right passed the bench he was sitting on.

"Charlie!" He yelled.

Charlie turned around so quickly she might as well have whiplash.

"Angel!" She ran towards the demon hugging him. "I'm so glad you're okay. Also I think Alastor ate Mimsy but, I don't want to find out if I'm right."

"Don't care after what she said."

"What happened."

"She called Husker a prick after insulting my drink.”

"Okay she definitely deserved whatever Alastor did."

"Ya think?" Angeldust sighed.

"Can you please come back to the hotel?"

"I guess." He said with fake reluctantcy.

The two wandered off in the direction they came from.

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