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The next day Husker went down for his visit to hell. Angeldust was awake behind the door Husker knocked on.

"Come in." The demon called.

Husker opened and walked into the room.

"Hello handsome!" Angeldust said in a flirtatious tone.

"Hey." Husker stated.

"You alright?" Angeldust asked.

Husker nodded. "There's just a lot going on." He admitted.

"In heaven?" Asked the spider.

"Here too." Husker stated.

"Anything you want to talk about specifically?" Angeldust asked. Husker shook his head.

"You want a distraction?" The demon asked and Husker nodded.

"You're in luck, I've got the perfect distraction!" Annocued the spider.

"Legs I'm not in the-"

Angeldust shoved Husker's face into his chest floof, before wrapping his arms gently around the demon.

"S-so soft!" Husker melted into the embrace wrapping his own arms around Angeldust, as he buried his face deeper into the floof.

"That's right no more stress, only Angie's chest floof." Angeldust rubbed the Griffin's back soothingly.

Husker just sat there his face embedded in fur.

"I love you so much." Husker's words were muffled by the floof but Angel knew what he said.

"I love you too."

They sat like that for about an hour, then the two headed downstairs because it was time for another meeting. Husker went to the bar like normal and chugged the booze he'd much rather have than Heavens. Today he remembered to pack some up to take with him when he departed.

After the meeting the two went back up to Angel's room.

"There's my son!" Husker exclaimed, walking over to the piglet and lifting him into his arms and petting him.

"Whoa whoa, who's son?" Angeldust asked.

"Sorry, our son."

"My son." Angeldust corrected.

"Ours." Husker repeated.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you two not a package deal? If I'm with you that makes him my son too."

"I guess I can't argue with that." Angeldust gave up.

"Hey Angie, what would happen if you went to heaven without nu-"

"Nope nope, if I die you bet your fucking ass I'm coming back down here and I'm smuggling my son up with me." Angeldust did not want to hear such blasphemy.

Husker couldn't stop laughing. He took a swig from one of his bottles.

"I can't believe you'd even imply I wouldn't come get my son." Angeldust was fake hurt by the thought.

"I want to know what he did to come down here." Husker admitted.

"He's the goodest boy he didn't deserve damnation." Angeldust agreed.

"What if he's really a human soul?"

"I don't want to think about such things. He is my son and that's all he'll ever be now." Angeldust stated. Husker laughed again.

Some time had passed before a certain pink and blonde haired demon knocked upon Angel's door.

"If your name isn't Alastor you may come in." Husker called.

Cherribomb processed for a moment. Angeldust and Husker looked at each other and then at the door as it opened. Husker instinctively hissed only to realize it was Cherri.

"Please tell me I'm not walking into some weird roleplay shit." Her eye was covered and she was not very trusting of the sound.

"Ah uhh." Husker grimaced. Angeldust cackled.

"Why you gotta make it weird?" Husker groaned. Laying back onto the bed.

"It's my job." Cherribomb laughed and she entered the room and shut the door. She plopped onto the bed next to her bestie, crossing her legs so she'd land in pretzel position.

"How's everything Husk?" Cherri asked.

"Annoying. Heaven is fucking annoying." He groaned.

"Yet you want me up there?" Angel chuckled.

"It's annoying cause you're not already there." Husk stated. The group was silent. Angeldust was petting Fat Nuggets and Cherri was spinning around in Angel's desk chair.

"Oh that reminds me. Emily introduced me to this Angel who looks a lot like you."

Angeldust raised an eyebrow.

Cherribomb seemed interested into the conversation. "As if anyone can look like this bitch."

"I think her name was Miley, no that's not right. Molly? Yeah Molly was her name."


"You have a sister?" Cherribomb and Husker were very taken aback.

"She's my twin."

"That explains a lot actually." Husker stated.

Angeldust asked many questions about his sister, what she was like, if she's talked about him at all. Husker didn't have much for answers they only interacted one time. Husker wasn't exactly a social butterfly. Emily just introduced them while she was giving him a tour.

The trio hung out for a bit before it was time for the next meeting. They went down the stairs Husker went behind the bar and poured everyone drinks grabbing another bottle of booze.

Angeldust and Husker continued conversing at the bar after the final meeting of the day.

Husker is technically a griffin right? I'm not CRAZY?)

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