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While the group of four were out at the bar, Husker was in Heaven talking to Sera about a certain overlord.

"This Alastor character seems like a real piece of work." Sera stated.

"Well he's a murderous cannibal overlord who enjoys broadcasting the screams of his tortured souls for all other souls in hell to hear." Husker informed. "Obviously he's not a good dude."

"I don't know how I'd be able to help. That's more of Lucifer's territory, he is the king of hell after all."

"I guess that's true."

"Look I'll set up a meeting with him, I do not take tampering with soul's destinations and their time in those relms lightly. Yes Angeldust will be up here but there's no reason for another soul to die before their time." Sera stated.

Angeldust was downing drinks left and right. Four different people bought him drinks as he was downing the ones he bought himself. Try as they might Angeldust could hold his own regardless of how drunk he gets. Nobody but a certain cat is getting into his pants any time soon. Charlie and Vaggy were dancing with their drinks in hand sipping them slowly, not wanting a repeat of last time.

Eventually they finished their drinks and the pair joined them on the dance floor. The four danced simultaneously not caring how bad or good they looked because they were enjoying themselves. They danced for a while, but eventually they all went back to the bar.

Angeldust ordered a round of some cinnamon flavored drink with what looked to be rum chatta. It was delicious. Charlie ordered like four extra ones for herself.

"Oh no I created another monster." He laughed.

"This is ssssso goooood!" She slurred.

"I swear to God if you some dick comes onto you and I gotta save you again you gonna start owing me." Angeldust warned.

"Don't worry Angel, this time if I got to use the bathroom she's coming with me." Vaggy assured.

They ordered a few more rounds of random drinks. Angeldust downed most of the drinks like they were water. To say he was shitfaced was an understatement.

Some girl came bouncing up to him, overly flirtatiously.

"Hey there!" The female demon greeted.

"Uh, hi." Angel sipped his drink.

"You dance?" Asks the demon.

"You flirting?" He asked.

"Is it working?" Asks the other demon.

"Let's get one thing straight. I am not."

Cherribomb chuckled in the background before downing her drink.

"Oh, uh do you still want to dance?"

"Get outta here!" Cherribomb yelled. "Only bitches my mate dancing with is us!"she draped her arm around Angel's shoulder downing another drink, before pulling Charlie and Vaggy into the hug too.

"Yeah what Cherri said!" Charlie agreed barely audibly.

The other demon walked away. They group continued enjoying their night.

Charlie blacked out at the bar, while everyone was talking. Her head was cradled by her arms and her one hand still held a half finished drink.

"I think it's time to head out." Angeldust stated lifting Charlie's unoccupied arm watching it fall limply.

"Yeah." Vaggy as Cherribomb agreed.

Angeldust lifted Charlie over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, as he and the rest of the group went back out to the limo.

Sera got the meeting with Lucifer. He tried to pawn it off to Charlie but Sera denied it.

"No. I'm afraid this is something I have to discuss with you." Sera stated.

"Alright I'll be there in just an hour."

"Alright." Sera agreed.

When Lucifer got to the building he knocked on the door. It opened slowly. He signed the piece of paper and waited.

He walked into the conference room where Sera was waiting. (She was NOT a hologram because unlike Adam she wasn't a total douche canoe.)

"You made it." Sera annouced.

"Ask and you shall receive." Lucifer stated. "What's this about?"

"Apparently we have a mutual enemy." Sera stated. "Alastor has been tampering with some souls in your realm."

"Yeah he's an overlord, they do that." Lucifer stated with sarcasm.

"Yeah well he's murdered a soul just to get them to heaven quicker and I'm convinced he's got some alterior motives." She stated. "Husk has reason to believe he's going to Murder another soul at your daughter's hotel." She continued.

"My daughter is in more danger?"

"You knew of this threat?" Sera asked.

"Not entirely. Charlie didn't exactly specify what was going on just that she was in deep shit with the demon in question."

"I need to get Emily on board but we need this guy taken down." She stated.

"I agree. If Charlie and the hotel are in danger I'll do whatever it takes." Lucifer assured.

"That's what I'm counting on." She agreed.

"What's the plan?" Asked the short king.

"Like I said I need to discuss things with my sister, and I'll let you know what is decided."

"Alright. I'll be expecting to hear from you."

"I bid you a due. Be well Lucifer." She teleported back to heaven as Lucifer teleported to the hotel. Little did they know they were being observed.

From the shadows she waited for Lucifer to shut the door, quickly making sure Sera had indeed left. When the coast was clear she  teleported back to Heaven.


Uh-oh who do you think was listening? Debate in the comments I love reading your thoughts.

I hope you guys are enjoying so far. Idk how long this book is going to be probably not nearly 60 parts like my last book but we'll see where it takes us I guess.

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